1 Reply Latest reply on Sep 11, 2006 8:48 AM by kvak_tnt

    bpel on Jboss jbpm


      I am a student and I have to do a project using BPEL language as the stantdard to get web service orchestration.
      I am thinking of using jboss as the App Server with jbpm plugg-in but I don't really understand if I can use many of the features as :

      The jBPM designer
      The jBPM console web application
      The jBPM command executor for the asynchronous execution of command
      The jBPM scheduler for the execution of timers.

      Using Bpel language.

      I don't understand exactly the relation between jbpm and BPEL.

      Jose Juan Ávila

      THANK YOU!

        • 1. Re: bpel on Jboss jbpm


          here is also a student :-)

          jbpm and bpel are process definition languages.
          You can modell something like this:

          First you have to connect to the database
          Secondly you have to logon to the database
          Thirdly you can start a select operation
          Lastly you have to logoff and disconnect the database

          You can write this in a jbpm-processdefinition or in a BPEL-Processdefinition. Both say exactly the workflow of you operation. Yaou cannot logon to database without a connect. In this example it is a technical requirement but it's not a necessity.

          Both will do the same (like C and Cobol :-) ) but have different aims:
          jbpm is used simply for orchestrating of processes
          bpel is the big brother for internetoperations.

          If you look in the docu to bpel of jboss:
          2.5. Which one is for me?
          Introduction to jBPM BPEL

          Some business processes involve frequent interactions with heterogeneous systems or partners. In these cases interoperability
          is essential, and XML is the obvious data transfer format. If you run into a similar scenario, we encourage
          you to choose BPEL. Manipulating XML documents with Java or any other non-XML language is tedious,
          verbose and error-prone. BPEL alleviates much of this pain through the following features:
          ? message exchange with efficiency (no Java/XML binding) and type safety (automatic format checking)
          ? comfortable message content manipulation (XPath 1.0 expressions)
          ? asynchronous message reception
          ? encapsulation of the underlying web services machinery
          If this is not your case and you are mostly coordinating Java components, use jPDL. You'll find it easier to use and
          you will be able to model practically any imaginable scenario by leveraging jBPM's workflow-rich features.

          Hope this helps

