3 Replies Latest reply on Dec 8, 2006 11:49 PM by zhongboqing

    Get finished tasks


      Is there a way to get a list of all tasks for an actor, both the finished and the unfinished?
      As far as i know, the unfinished tasks is no problem about the jbpmContext.getTaskList( ActorId )
      Is there an analog method for the finished tasks?

      Thank you!

        • 1. Re: Get finished tasks


          • 2. Re: Get finished tasks

            You can always just do a hibernate query against the DB

            • 3. Re: Get finished tasks

              1, you can add the query in the file "org\jbpm\db\hibernate.queries.hbm.xml" ,like

              select ti
              from org.jbpm.taskmgmt.exe.TaskInstance as ti
              where ti.actorId = :actorId
              and ti.isOpen = true and ti.end is not null

              2, you can add the method findFinishedTaskInstances int the java file "org\jbpm\db\TaskMgmtSession.java"

              * get the finished tasllist for a given actor.
              public List findFinishedTaskInstances(String actorId) {
              List result = null;
              try {
              Query query = session.getNamedQuery("TaskMgmtSession.findFinishedTaskInstancesByActorId");
              query.setString("actorId", actorId);
              result = query.list();
              } catch (Exception e) {
              throw new JbpmException("couldn't get task instances list for actor '"+actorId+"'", e);
              return result;
              3, rebuild the jpdl