2 Replies Latest reply on Oct 12, 2006 10:52 AM by fatbeat

    give back value of a previous task



      Do you know how get back the variable of an ended task?

      for example:

       <task-node name="CreationDevis">
       <task swimlane="Assurimo">
       <variable name="Article" />
       <variable name="Nombre"/>
       <variable name="Prix"/>
       <variable name="Commentaire"/>
       <transition name="Envoi" to="ValidationClient"></transition>
       <task-node name="ValidationClient">
       <task swimlane="FONCIA">
       <variable name="Article" />
       <variable name="Nombre"/>
       <variable name="Prix"/>
       <variable name="Commentaire"/>
       <variable name="CauseDuRefus"/>
       <transition name="Refus" to="CreationDevis"></transition>
       <transition name="Acceptation" to="TransfertDonnees"></transition>

      I fill the variable of my first task, then I pass to the next one by "end()" methode. How can give back the values of the previous task variable in my next task for pre-filling of the field.

      thank you for you help
