1 2 Previous Next 15 Replies Latest reply on Oct 24, 2006 7:55 AM by clandestino_bgd

    docbook-support is missing


      Hi all,
      I am trying to build the source from CVS.
      default target in build/build.xml reports the following error:

      D:\work\java\jbpm.3\build\build.xml:62: The following error occurred while executing this line:
      D:\work\java\jbpm.3\designer\jpdl\org.jbpm.gd.jpdl.build\build.xml:57: The following error occurred while executing this line:
      D:\work\java\jbpm.3\designer\jpdl\org.jbpm.gd.jpdl.build\build.xml:154: The following error occurred while executing this line:
      D:\work\java\jbpm.3\designer\jpdl\org.jbpm.gd.jpdl.docs\gpd.userguide\build.xml:4: Cannot find C:\Documents and Settings\Agaton/jbpm/reposit
      ory/docbook-support/support.xml imported from D:\work\java\jbpm.3\designer\jpdl\org.jbpm.gd.jpdl.docs\gpd.userguide\build.xml

      It is obvious that docbook-support directory does not exist in my local repository. It is however expected since get.dependencies target does not create it.

      I have noticed another target called get.docbook.support
      but when I try to execute it I receive:

      [cvs] Caught exception: CreateProcess: cvs -d:pserver:anonymous:@anoncvs.forge.jboss.com:/cvsroot/jboss export -r HEAD docbook-support

      Any hint?
      Thank you & regards

        • 1. Re: docbook-support is missing

          I continue to struggle with docbook-support misisng issue.
          Here is what I tried after a lot of googling:
          1. http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&p=3963269#3963269
          I tried to login as anonymous (I was prompted with login/password window) and it failed

          2. http://wiki.jboss.org/wiki/Wiki.jsp?page=AuthorDocumentationWithDocBook

          cvs checkout -P docbook-support (in directory D:\work\java)
          cvs [checkout aborted]: connect to cvs.forge.jboss.com(belmont.prod.atl2.jboss.com):2401 failed: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.

          It seems that I must have CVS account in order to get docbook-support!?

          Please, give me some advice how I can get through this.
          I am pretty stucked.

          • 2. Re: docbook-support is missing

            Hi JBPM people,
            would somebody be so kind to accept/deny the issues I ma facing.

            1. Missing docbook-support folder
            2. Continued problems with build, after all docbook-support is removed


            BUILD FAILED
            D:\work\java\jbpm.3\build\build.xml:59: The following error occurred while executing this line:
            D:\work\java\jbpm.3\designer\jpdl\org.jbpm.gd.jpdl.build\build.xml:60: The following error occurred while executing this line:
            D:\work\java\jbpm.3\designer\jpdl\org.jbpm.gd.jpdl.build\build.xml:191: Warning: Could not find file D:\work\java\jbpm.3\designer\jpdl\org.j
            bpm.gd.jpdl.build\target\workspace\N.3.0.12-SNAPSHOT\org.jbpm.gd.jpdl.feature-3.0.12-SNAPSHOT.zip to copy.

            Thank you and I really hope I will get ssome answer here.

            • 3. Re: docbook-support is missing

              Hi Milan,

              Things will go smoothly if you have the docbook support module checked out of cvs. You can check this out of cvs with the get-docbook-support target you tried. However, this target needs a cvs client to be available on your system path.
              The simplest thing to do is to download a cvs client from any place you can get one and put the cvs.exe on your system path somewhere.


              • 4. docbook-support is resolved but other problem remains

                hi Koen,
                thank you very much for the hint.
                Now docbook-support is not a problem anymore.
                But the problem with misisng jar still remains.

                The complete ant trace is below.
                I am using Windows XP SP1 with JDK 1.5.0_04 & ant 1.6.5

                Please, can you give me any hint?

                --------------------------- TRACE --------------------------------

                D:\work\java\jbpm.3\build>set JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_04

                Buildfile: build.xml





                [javac] Compiling 350 source files to D:\work\java\jbpm.3\jpdl\jar\target\classes
                [javac] Note: * uses or overrides a deprecated API.
                [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
                [copy] Copying 97 files to D:\work\java\jbpm.3\jpdl\jar\target\classes


                [mkdir] Created dir: D:\work\java\jbpm.3\jpdl\jar\target\manifest




                [jar] Building jar: D:\work\java\jbpm.3\jpdl\jar\target\jbpm-jpdl.jar


                [copy] Copying 1 file to C:\Documents and Settings\Agaton\jbpm\repository\jbpm\jpdl\3.2.Alpha2-SNAPSHOT\lib










                [jar] Building jar: D:\work\java\jbpm.3\jpdl\jar\target\jbpm-jpdl.jar


                [mkdir] Created dir: D:\work\java\jbpm.3\identity\target\classes

                [javac] Compiling 21 source files to D:\work\java\jbpm.3\identity\target\classes
                [javac] Note: * uses or overrides a deprecated API.
                [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
                [copy] Copying 4 files to D:\work\java\jbpm.3\identity\target\classes


                [mkdir] Created dir: D:\work\java\jbpm.3\identity\target\manifest




                [jar] Building jar: D:\work\java\jbpm.3\identity\target\jbpm-identity.jar


                [copy] Copying 1 file to C:\Documents and Settings\Agaton\jbpm\repository\jbpm\identity\3.2.Alpha2-SNAPSHOT\lib


                [mkdir] Created dir: D:\work\java\jbpm.3\jpdl\examples\websale\target\classes
                [javac] Compiling 3 source files to D:\work\java\jbpm.3\jpdl\examples\websale\target\classes

                [zip] Building zip: D:\work\java\jbpm.3\jpdl\examples\websale\target\websale.jpdl

                [mkdir] Created dir: D:\work\java\jbpm.3\jpdl\db\target\manifest










                [mkdir] Created dir: D:\work\java\jbpm.3\jpdl\db\target\classes
                [mkdir] Created dir: D:\work\java\jbpm.3\jpdl\db\target\ddl
                [jbpmschema] using jbpm configuration jbpm/db2.jbpm.cfg.xml
                [jbpmschema] log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (org.jbpm.JbpmConfiguration).
                [jbpmschema] log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.
                [jbpmschema] drop table JBPM_ACTION
                [jbpmschema] drop table JBPM_BYTEARRAY
                [jbpmschema] drop table JBPM_BYTEBLOCK
                [jbpmschema] drop table JBPM_COMMENT
                [jbpmschema] drop table JBPM_DECISIONCONDITIONS
                [jbpmschema] drop table JBPM_DELEGATION
                [jbpmschema] drop table JBPM_EVENT
                [jbpmschema] drop table JBPM_EXCEPTIONHANDLER
                [jbpmschema] drop table JBPM_JOB
                [jbpmschema] drop table JBPM_LOG
                [jbpmschema] drop table JBPM_MODULEDEFINITION
                [jbpmschema] drop table JBPM_MODULEINSTANCE
                [jbpmschema] drop table JBPM_NODE
                [jbpmschema] drop table JBPM_POOLEDACTOR
                [jbpmschema] drop table JBPM_PROCESSDEFINITION
                [jbpmschema] drop table JBPM_PROCESSINSTANCE
                [jbpmschema] drop table JBPM_RUNTIMEACTION
                [jbpmschema] drop table JBPM_SWIMLANE
                [jbpmschema] drop table JBPM_SWIMLANEINSTANCE
                [jbpmschema] drop table JBPM_TASK
                [jbpmschema] drop table JBPM_TASKACTORPOOL
                [jbpmschema] drop table JBPM_TASKCONTROLLER
                [jbpmschema] drop table JBPM_TASKINSTANCE
                [jbpmschema] drop table JBPM_TOKEN
                [jbpmschema] drop table JBPM_TOKENVARIABLEMAP
                [jbpmschema] drop table JBPM_TRANSITION
                [jbpmschema] drop table JBPM_VARIABLEACCESS
                [jbpmschema] drop table JBPM_VARIABLEINSTANCE
                [jbpmschema] create table JBPM_ACTION (ID_ bigint generated by default as identity, class char(1) not null, NAME_ varchar(255), ISPROPAGATIO
                NALLOWED_ smallint, ACTIONEXPRESSION_ varchar(255), ISASYNC_ smallint, REFERENCEDACTION_ bigint, ACTIONDELEGATION_ bigint, EVENT_ bigint, PR
                OCESSDEFINITION_ bigint, TIMERNAME_ varchar(255), DUEDATE_ varchar(255), REPEAT_ varchar(255), TRANSITIONNAME_ varchar(255), TIMERACTION_ bi
                gint, EXPRESSION_ varchar(4000), EVENTINDEX_ integer, EXCEPTIONHANDLER_ bigint, EXCEPTIONHANDLERINDEX_ integer, primary key (ID_))
                [jbpmschema] create table JBPM_BYTEARRAY (ID_ bigint generated by default as identity, NAME_ varchar(255), FILEDEFINITION_ bigint, primary k
                ey (ID_))
                [jbpmschema] create table JBPM_BYTEBLOCK (PROCESSFILE_ bigint not null, BYTES_ varchar(1024) for bit data, INDEX_ integer not null, primary
                key (PROCESSFILE_, INDEX_))
                [jbpmschema] create table JBPM_COMMENT (ID_ bigint generated by default as identity, VERSION_ integer not null, ACTORID_ varchar(255), TIME_
                timestamp, MESSAGE_ varchar(4000), TOKEN_ bigint, TASKINSTANCE_ bigint, TOKENINDEX_ integer, TASKINSTANCEINDEX_ integer, primary key (ID_))

                [jbpmschema] create table JBPM_DECISIONCONDITIONS (DECISION_ bigint not null, TRANSITIONNAME_ varchar(255), EXPRESSION_ varchar(255), INDEX_
                integer not null, primary key (DECISION_, INDEX_))
                [jbpmschema] create table JBPM_DELEGATION (ID_ bigint generated by default as identity, CLASSNAME_ varchar(4000), CONFIGURATION_ varchar(400
                0), CONFIGTYPE_ varchar(255), PROCESSDEFINITION_ bigint, primary key (ID_))
                [jbpmschema] create table JBPM_EVENT (ID_ bigint generated by default as identity, EVENTTYPE_ varchar(255), TYPE_ char(1), GRAPHELEMENT_ big
                int, PROCESSDEFINITION_ bigint, NODE_ bigint, TRANSITION_ bigint, TASK_ bigint, primary key (ID_))
                [jbpmschema] create table JBPM_EXCEPTIONHANDLER (ID_ bigint generated by default as identity, EXCEPTIONCLASSNAME_ varchar(4000), TYPE_ char(
                1), GRAPHELEMENT_ bigint, PROCESSDEFINITION_ bigint, GRAPHELEMENTINDEX_ integer, NODE_ bigint, TRANSITION_ bigint, TASK_ bigint, primary key
                [jbpmschema] create table JBPM_JOB (ID_ bigint generated by default as identity, CLASS_ char(1) not null, VERSION_ integer not null, DUEDATE
                _ timestamp, PROCESSINSTANCE_ bigint, TOKEN_ bigint, TASKINSTANCE_ bigint, ISSUSPENDED_ smallint, ISEXCLUSIVE_ smallint, LOCKOWNER_ varchar(
                255), LOCKTIME_ timestamp, EXCEPTION_ varchar(4000), RETRIES_ integer, NAME_ varchar(255), REPEAT_ varchar(255), TRANSITIONNAME_ varchar(255
                ), ACTION_ bigint, GRAPHELEMENTTYPE_ varchar(255), GRAPHELEMENT_ bigint, NODE_ bigint, primary key (ID_))
                [jbpmschema] create table JBPM_LOG (ID_ bigint generated by default as identity, CLASS_ char(1) not null, INDEX_ integer, DATE_ timestamp, T
                OKEN_ bigint, PARENT_ bigint, MESSAGE_ varchar(4000), EXCEPTION_ varchar(4000), ACTION_ bigint, NODE_ bigint, ENTER_ timestamp, LEAVE_ times
                tamp, DURATION_ bigint, NEWLONGVALUE_ bigint, TRANSITION_ bigint, CHILD_ bigint, SOURCENODE_ bigint, DESTINATIONNODE_ bigint, VARIABLEINSTAN
                CE_ bigint, OLDBYTEARRAY_ bigint, NEWBYTEARRAY_ bigint, OLDDATEVALUE_ timestamp, NEWDATEVALUE_ timestamp, OLDDOUBLEVALUE_ double, NEWDOUBLEV
                ALUE_ double, OLDLONGIDCLASS_ varchar(255), OLDLONGIDVALUE_ bigint, NEWLONGIDCLASS_ varchar(255), NEWLONGIDVALUE_ bigint, OLDSTRINGIDCLASS_
                varchar(255), OLDSTRINGIDVALUE_ varchar(255), NEWSTRINGIDCLASS_ varchar(255), NEWSTRINGIDVALUE_ varchar(255), OLDLONGVALUE_ bigint, OLDSTRIN
                GVALUE_ varchar(4000), NEWSTRINGVALUE_ varchar(4000), TASKINSTANCE_ bigint, TASKACTORID_ varchar(255), TASKOLDACTORID_ varchar(255), SWIMLAN
                EINSTANCE_ bigint, primary key (ID_))
                [jbpmschema] create table JBPM_MODULEDEFINITION (ID_ bigint generated by default as identity, CLASS_ char(1) not null, NAME_ varchar(4000),
                PROCESSDEFINITION_ bigint, STARTTASK_ bigint, primary key (ID_))
                [jbpmschema] create table JBPM_MODULEINSTANCE (ID_ bigint generated by default as identity, CLASS_ char(1) not null, VERSION_ integer not nu
                ll, PROCESSINSTANCE_ bigint, TASKMGMTDEFINITION_ bigint, NAME_ varchar(255), primary key (ID_))
                [jbpmschema] create table JBPM_NODE (ID_ bigint generated by default as identity, CLASS_ char(1) not null, NAME_ varchar(255), PROCESSDEFINI
                TION_ bigint, ISASYNC_ smallint, ISASYNCEXCL_ smallint, ACTION_ bigint, SUPERSTATE_ bigint, SUBPROCESSDEFINITION_ bigint, DECISIONEXPRESSION
                _ varchar(255), DECISIONDELEGATION bigint, SIGNAL_ integer, CREATETASKS_ smallint, ENDTASKS_ smallint, NODECOLLECTIONINDEX_ integer, primary
                key (ID_))
                [jbpmschema] create table JBPM_POOLEDACTOR (ID_ bigint generated by default as identity, VERSION_ integer not null, ACTORID_ varchar(255), S
                WIMLANEINSTANCE_ bigint, primary key (ID_))
                [jbpmschema] create table JBPM_PROCESSDEFINITION (ID_ bigint generated by default as identity, NAME_ varchar(255), VERSION_ integer, ISTERMI
                NATIONIMPLICIT_ smallint, STARTSTATE_ bigint, primary key (ID_))
                [jbpmschema] create table JBPM_PROCESSINSTANCE (ID_ bigint generated by default as identity, VERSION_ integer not null, START_ timestamp, EN
                D_ timestamp, ISSUSPENDED_ smallint, PROCESSDEFINITION_ bigint, ROOTTOKEN_ bigint, SUPERPROCESSTOKEN_ bigint, primary key (ID_))
                [jbpmschema] create table JBPM_RUNTIMEACTION (ID_ bigint generated by default as identity, VERSION_ integer not null, EVENTTYPE_ varchar(255
                ), TYPE_ char(1), GRAPHELEMENT_ bigint, PROCESSINSTANCE_ bigint, ACTION_ bigint, PROCESSINSTANCEINDEX_ integer, primary key (ID_))
                [jbpmschema] create table JBPM_SWIMLANE (ID_ bigint generated by default as identity, NAME_ varchar(255), ACTORIDEXPRESSION_ varchar(255), P
                OOLEDACTORSEXPRESSION_ varchar(255), ASSIGNMENTDELEGATION_ bigint, TASKMGMTDEFINITION_ bigint, primary key (ID_))
                [jbpmschema] create table JBPM_SWIMLANEINSTANCE (ID_ bigint generated by default as identity, VERSION_ integer not null, NAME_ varchar(255),
                ACTORID_ varchar(255), SWIMLANE_ bigint, TASKMGMTINSTANCE_ bigint, primary key (ID_))
                [jbpmschema] create table JBPM_TASK (ID_ bigint generated by default as identity, NAME_ varchar(255), PROCESSDEFINITION_ bigint, DESCRIPTION
                _ varchar(4000), ISBLOCKING_ smallint, ISSIGNALLING_ smallint, DUEDATE_ varchar(255), PRIORITY_ integer, ACTORIDEXPRESSION_ varchar(255), PO
                _ bigint, TASKCONTROLLER_ bigint, primary key (ID_))
                [jbpmschema] create table JBPM_TASKACTORPOOL (TASKINSTANCE_ bigint not null, POOLEDACTOR_ bigint not null, primary key (TASKINSTANCE_, POOLE
                [jbpmschema] create table JBPM_TASKCONTROLLER (ID_ bigint generated by default as identity, TASKCONTROLLERDELEGATION_ bigint, primary key (I
                [jbpmschema] create table JBPM_TASKINSTANCE (ID_ bigint generated by default as identity, CLASS_ char(1) not null, VERSION_ integer not null
                , NAME_ varchar(255), DESCRIPTION_ varchar(4000), ACTORID_ varchar(255), CREATE_ timestamp, START_ timestamp, END_ timestamp, DUEDATE_ times
                tamp, PRIORITY_ integer, ISCANCELLED_ smallint, ISSUSPENDED_ smallint, ISOPEN_ smallint, ISSIGNALLING_ smallint, ISBLOCKING_ smallint, TASK_
                bigint, TOKEN_ bigint, SWIMLANINSTANCE_ bigint, TASKMGMTINSTANCE_ bigint, primary key (ID_))
                [jbpmschema] create table JBPM_TOKEN (ID_ bigint generated by default as identity, VERSION_ integer not null, NAME_ varchar(255), START_ tim
                estamp, END_ timestamp, NODEENTER_ timestamp, NEXTLOGINDEX_ integer, ISABLETOREACTIVATEPARENT_ smallint, ISTERMINATIONIMPLICIT_ smallint, IS
                SUSPENDED_ smallint, NODE_ bigint, PROCESSINSTANCE_ bigint, PARENT_ bigint, SUBPROCESSINSTANCE_ bigint, primary key (ID_))
                [jbpmschema] create table JBPM_TOKENVARIABLEMAP (ID_ bigint generated by default as identity, VERSION_ integer not null, TOKEN_ bigint, CONT
                EXTINSTANCE_ bigint, primary key (ID_))
                [jbpmschema] create table JBPM_TRANSITION (ID_ bigint generated by default as identity, NAME_ varchar(255), PROCESSDEFINITION_ bigint, FROM_
                bigint, TO_ bigint, FROMINDEX_ integer, primary key (ID_))
                [jbpmschema] create table JBPM_VARIABLEACCESS (ID_ bigint generated by default as identity, VARIABLENAME_ varchar(255), ACCESS_ varchar(255)
                , MAPPEDNAME_ varchar(255), PROCESSSTATE_ bigint, TASKCONTROLLER_ bigint, INDEX_ integer, SCRIPT_ bigint, primary key (ID_))
                [jbpmschema] create table JBPM_VARIABLEINSTANCE (ID_ bigint generated by default as identity, CLASS_ char(1) not null, VERSION_ integer not
                null, NAME_ varchar(255), CONVERTER_ char(1), TOKEN_ bigint, TOKENVARIABLEMAP_ bigint, PROCESSINSTANCE_ bigint, BYTEARRAYVALUE_ bigint, DATE
                VALUE_ timestamp, DOUBLEVALUE_ double, LONGIDCLASS_ varchar(255), LONGVALUE_ bigint, STRINGIDCLASS_ varchar(255), STRINGVALUE_ varchar(255),
                TASKINSTANCE_ bigint, primary key (ID_))
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_ACTION add constraint FK_ACTION_EVENT foreign key (EVENT_) references JBPM_EVENT
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_ACTION add constraint FK_ACTION_EXPTHDL foreign key (EXCEPTIONHANDLER_) references JBPM_EXCEPTIONHANDLER
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_ACTION add constraint FK_ACTION_PROCDEF foreign key (PROCESSDEFINITION_) references JBPM_PROCESSDEFINITION
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_ACTION add constraint FK_CRTETIMERACT_TA foreign key (TIMERACTION_) references JBPM_ACTION
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_ACTION add constraint FK_ACTION_ACTNDEL foreign key (ACTIONDELEGATION_) references JBPM_DELEGATION
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_ACTION add constraint FK_ACTION_REFACT foreign key (REFERENCEDACTION_) references JBPM_ACTION
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_BYTEARRAY add constraint FK_BYTEARR_FILDEF foreign key (FILEDEFINITION_) references JBPM_MODULEDEFINITION
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_BYTEBLOCK add constraint FK_BYTEBLOCK_FILE foreign key (PROCESSFILE_) references JBPM_BYTEARRAY
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_COMMENT add constraint FK_COMMENT_TOKEN foreign key (TOKEN_) references JBPM_TOKEN
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_COMMENT add constraint FK_COMMENT_TSK foreign key (TASKINSTANCE_) references JBPM_TASKINSTANCE
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_DECISIONCONDITIONS add constraint FK_DECCOND_DEC foreign key (DECISION_) references JBPM_NODE
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_DELEGATION add constraint FK_DELEGATION_PRCD foreign key (PROCESSDEFINITION_) references JBPM_PROCESSDEFINITIO
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_EVENT add constraint FK_EVENT_PROCDEF foreign key (PROCESSDEFINITION_) references JBPM_PROCESSDEFINITION
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_EVENT add constraint FK_EVENT_NODE foreign key (NODE_) references JBPM_NODE
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_EVENT add constraint FK_EVENT_TRANS foreign key (TRANSITION_) references JBPM_TRANSITION
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_EVENT add constraint FK_EVENT_TASK foreign key (TASK_) references JBPM_TASK
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_JOB add constraint FK_JOB_TOKEN foreign key (TOKEN_) references JBPM_TOKEN
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_JOB add constraint FK_JOB_NODE foreign key (NODE_) references JBPM_NODE
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_JOB add constraint FK_JOB_PRINST foreign key (PROCESSINSTANCE_) references JBPM_PROCESSINSTANCE
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_JOB add constraint FK_JOB_ACTION foreign key (ACTION_) references JBPM_ACTION
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_JOB add constraint FK_JOB_TSKINST foreign key (TASKINSTANCE_) references JBPM_TASKINSTANCE
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_LOG add constraint FK_LOG_SOURCENODE foreign key (SOURCENODE_) references JBPM_NODE
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_LOG add constraint FK_LOG_TOKEN foreign key (TOKEN_) references JBPM_TOKEN
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_LOG add constraint FK_LOG_OLDBYTES foreign key (OLDBYTEARRAY_) references JBPM_BYTEARRAY
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_LOG add constraint FK_LOG_NEWBYTES foreign key (NEWBYTEARRAY_) references JBPM_BYTEARRAY
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_LOG add constraint FK_LOG_CHILDTOKEN foreign key (CHILD_) references JBPM_TOKEN
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_LOG add constraint FK_LOG_DESTNODE foreign key (DESTINATIONNODE_) references JBPM_NODE
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_LOG add constraint FK_LOG_TASKINST foreign key (TASKINSTANCE_) references JBPM_TASKINSTANCE
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_LOG add constraint FK_LOG_SWIMINST foreign key (SWIMLANEINSTANCE_) references JBPM_SWIMLANEINSTANCE
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_LOG add constraint FK_LOG_PARENT foreign key (PARENT_) references JBPM_LOG
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_LOG add constraint FK_LOG_NODE foreign key (NODE_) references JBPM_NODE
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_LOG add constraint FK_LOG_ACTION foreign key (ACTION_) references JBPM_ACTION
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_LOG add constraint FK_LOG_VARINST foreign key (VARIABLEINSTANCE_) references JBPM_VARIABLEINSTANCE
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_LOG add constraint FK_LOG_TRANSITION foreign key (TRANSITION_) references JBPM_TRANSITION
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_MODULEDEFINITION add constraint FK_TSKDEF_START foreign key (STARTTASK_) references JBPM_TASK
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_MODULEDEFINITION add constraint FK_MODDEF_PROCDEF foreign key (PROCESSDEFINITION_) references JBPM_PROCESSDEFI
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_MODULEINSTANCE add constraint FK_TASKMGTINST_TMD foreign key (TASKMGMTDEFINITION_) references JBPM_MODULEDEFIN
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_MODULEINSTANCE add constraint FK_MODINST_PRCINST foreign key (PROCESSINSTANCE_) references JBPM_PROCESSINSTANC
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_NODE add constraint FK_PROCST_SBPRCDEF foreign key (SUBPROCESSDEFINITION_) references JBPM_PROCESSDEFINITION
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_NODE add constraint FK_NODE_PROCDEF foreign key (PROCESSDEFINITION_) references JBPM_PROCESSDEFINITION
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_NODE add constraint FK_NODE_ACTION foreign key (ACTION_) references JBPM_ACTION
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_NODE add constraint FK_DECISION_DELEG foreign key (DECISIONDELEGATION) references JBPM_DELEGATION
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_NODE add constraint FK_NODE_SUPERSTATE foreign key (SUPERSTATE_) references JBPM_NODE
                [jbpmschema] create index IDX_PLDACTR_ACTID on JBPM_POOLEDACTOR (ACTORID_)
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_POOLEDACTOR add constraint FK_POOLEDACTOR_SLI foreign key (SWIMLANEINSTANCE_) references JBPM_SWIMLANEINSTANCE

                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_PROCESSDEFINITION add constraint FK_PROCDEF_STRTSTA foreign key (STARTSTATE_) references JBPM_NODE
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_PROCESSINSTANCE add constraint FK_PROCIN_PROCDEF foreign key (PROCESSDEFINITION_) references JBPM_PROCESSDEFIN
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_PROCESSINSTANCE add constraint FK_PROCIN_ROOTTKN foreign key (ROOTTOKEN_) references JBPM_TOKEN
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_PROCESSINSTANCE add constraint FK_PROCIN_SPROCTKN foreign key (SUPERPROCESSTOKEN_) references JBPM_TOKEN
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_RUNTIMEACTION add constraint FK_RTACTN_PROCINST foreign key (PROCESSINSTANCE_) references JBPM_PROCESSINSTANCE

                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_RUNTIMEACTION add constraint FK_RTACTN_ACTION foreign key (ACTION_) references JBPM_ACTION
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_SWIMLANE add constraint FK_SWL_ASSDEL foreign key (ASSIGNMENTDELEGATION_) references JBPM_DELEGATION
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_SWIMLANE add constraint FK_SWL_TSKMGMTDEF foreign key (TASKMGMTDEFINITION_) references JBPM_MODULEDEFINITION
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_SWIMLANEINSTANCE add constraint FK_SWIMLANEINST_TM foreign key (TASKMGMTINSTANCE_) references JBPM_MODULEINSTA
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_SWIMLANEINSTANCE add constraint FK_SWIMLANEINST_SL foreign key (SWIMLANE_) references JBPM_SWIMLANE
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_TASK add constraint FK_TSK_TSKCTRL foreign key (TASKCONTROLLER_) references JBPM_TASKCONTROLLER
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_TASK add constraint FK_TASK_ASSDEL foreign key (ASSIGNMENTDELEGATION_) references JBPM_DELEGATION
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_TASK add constraint FK_TASK_TASKNODE foreign key (TASKNODE_) references JBPM_NODE
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_TASK add constraint FK_TASK_PROCDEF foreign key (PROCESSDEFINITION_) references JBPM_PROCESSDEFINITION
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_TASK add constraint FK_TASK_STARTST foreign key (STARTSTATE_) references JBPM_NODE
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_TASK add constraint FK_TASK_TASKMGTDEF foreign key (TASKMGMTDEFINITION_) references JBPM_MODULEDEFINITION
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_TASK add constraint FK_TASK_SWIMLANE foreign key (SWIMLANE_) references JBPM_SWIMLANE
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_TASKACTORPOOL add constraint FK_TSKACTPOL_PLACT foreign key (POOLEDACTOR_) references JBPM_POOLEDACTOR
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_TASKACTORPOOL add constraint FK_TASKACTPL_TSKI foreign key (TASKINSTANCE_) references JBPM_TASKINSTANCE
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_TASKCONTROLLER add constraint FK_TSKCTRL_DELEG foreign key (TASKCONTROLLERDELEGATION_) references JBPM_DELEGAT
                [jbpmschema] create index IDX_TASK_ACTORID on JBPM_TASKINSTANCE (ACTORID_)
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_TASKINSTANCE add constraint FK_TASKINST_TMINST foreign key (TASKMGMTINSTANCE_) references JBPM_MODULEINSTANCE
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_TASKINSTANCE add constraint FK_TASKINST_TOKEN foreign key (TOKEN_) references JBPM_TOKEN
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_TASKINSTANCE add constraint FK_TASKINST_SLINST foreign key (SWIMLANINSTANCE_) references JBPM_SWIMLANEINSTANCE

                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_TASKINSTANCE add constraint FK_TASKINST_TASK foreign key (TASK_) references JBPM_TASK
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_TOKEN add constraint FK_TOKEN_PARENT foreign key (PARENT_) references JBPM_TOKEN
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_TOKEN add constraint FK_TOKEN_NODE foreign key (NODE_) references JBPM_NODE
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_TOKEN add constraint FK_TOKEN_PROCINST foreign key (PROCESSINSTANCE_) references JBPM_PROCESSINSTANCE
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_TOKEN add constraint FK_TOKEN_SUBPI foreign key (SUBPROCESSINSTANCE_) references JBPM_PROCESSINSTANCE
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_TOKENVARIABLEMAP add constraint FK_TKVARMAP_CTXT foreign key (CONTEXTINSTANCE_) references JBPM_MODULEINSTANCE

                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_TOKENVARIABLEMAP add constraint FK_TKVARMAP_TOKEN foreign key (TOKEN_) references JBPM_TOKEN
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_TRANSITION add constraint FK_TRANSITION_TO foreign key (TO_) references JBPM_NODE
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_TRANSITION add constraint FK_TRANS_PROCDEF foreign key (PROCESSDEFINITION_) references JBPM_PROCESSDEFINITION
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_TRANSITION add constraint FK_TRANSITION_FROM foreign key (FROM_) references JBPM_NODE
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_VARIABLEACCESS add constraint FK_VARACC_TSKCTRL foreign key (TASKCONTROLLER_) references JBPM_TASKCONTROLLER
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_VARIABLEACCESS add constraint FK_VARACC_SCRIPT foreign key (SCRIPT_) references JBPM_ACTION
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_VARIABLEACCESS add constraint FK_VARACC_PROCST foreign key (PROCESSSTATE_) references JBPM_NODE
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_VARIABLEINSTANCE add constraint FK_VARINST_TK foreign key (TOKEN_) references JBPM_TOKEN
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_VARIABLEINSTANCE add constraint FK_VARINST_TKVARMP foreign key (TOKENVARIABLEMAP_) references JBPM_TOKENVARIAB
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_VARIABLEINSTANCE add constraint FK_VARINST_PRCINST foreign key (PROCESSINSTANCE_) references JBPM_PROCESSINSTA
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_VARIABLEINSTANCE add constraint FK_VAR_TSKINST foreign key (TASKINSTANCE_) references JBPM_TASKINSTANCE
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_VARIABLEINSTANCE add constraint FK_BYTEINST_ARRAY foreign key (BYTEARRAYVALUE_) references JBPM_BYTEARRAY
                [jbpmschema] using jbpm configuration jbpm/derby.jbpm.cfg.xml
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_ACTION drop constraint FK_ACTION_EVENT
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_ACTION drop constraint FK_ACTION_EXPTHDL
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_ACTION drop constraint FK_ACTION_PROCDEF
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_ACTION drop constraint FK_CRTETIMERACT_TA
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_ACTION drop constraint FK_ACTION_ACTNDEL
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_ACTION drop constraint FK_ACTION_REFACT
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_BYTEARRAY drop constraint FK_BYTEARR_FILDEF
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_BYTEBLOCK drop constraint FK_BYTEBLOCK_FILE
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_COMMENT drop constraint FK_COMMENT_TOKEN
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_COMMENT drop constraint FK_COMMENT_TSK
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_DECISIONCONDITIONS drop constraint FK_DECCOND_DEC
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_DELEGATION drop constraint FK_DELEGATION_PRCD
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_EVENT drop constraint FK_EVENT_PROCDEF
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_EVENT drop constraint FK_EVENT_NODE
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_EVENT drop constraint FK_EVENT_TRANS
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_EVENT drop constraint FK_EVENT_TASK
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_JOB drop constraint FK_JOB_TOKEN
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_JOB drop constraint FK_JOB_NODE
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_JOB drop constraint FK_JOB_PRINST
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_JOB drop constraint FK_JOB_ACTION
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_JOB drop constraint FK_JOB_TSKINST
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_LOG drop constraint FK_LOG_SOURCENODE
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_LOG drop constraint FK_LOG_TOKEN
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_LOG drop constraint FK_LOG_OLDBYTES
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_LOG drop constraint FK_LOG_NEWBYTES
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_LOG drop constraint FK_LOG_CHILDTOKEN
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_LOG drop constraint FK_LOG_DESTNODE
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_LOG drop constraint FK_LOG_TASKINST
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_LOG drop constraint FK_LOG_SWIMINST
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_LOG drop constraint FK_LOG_PARENT
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_LOG drop constraint FK_LOG_NODE
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_LOG drop constraint FK_LOG_ACTION
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_LOG drop constraint FK_LOG_VARINST
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_LOG drop constraint FK_LOG_TRANSITION
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_MODULEDEFINITION drop constraint FK_TSKDEF_START
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_MODULEDEFINITION drop constraint FK_MODDEF_PROCDEF
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_MODULEINSTANCE drop constraint FK_TASKMGTINST_TMD
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_MODULEINSTANCE drop constraint FK_MODINST_PRCINST
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_NODE drop constraint FK_PROCST_SBPRCDEF
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_NODE drop constraint FK_NODE_PROCDEF
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_NODE drop constraint FK_NODE_ACTION
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_NODE drop constraint FK_DECISION_DELEG
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_NODE drop constraint FK_NODE_SUPERSTATE
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_POOLEDACTOR drop constraint FK_POOLEDACTOR_SLI
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_PROCESSDEFINITION drop constraint FK_PROCDEF_STRTSTA
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_PROCESSINSTANCE drop constraint FK_PROCIN_PROCDEF
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_PROCESSINSTANCE drop constraint FK_PROCIN_ROOTTKN
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_PROCESSINSTANCE drop constraint FK_PROCIN_SPROCTKN
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_RUNTIMEACTION drop constraint FK_RTACTN_PROCINST
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_RUNTIMEACTION drop constraint FK_RTACTN_ACTION
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_SWIMLANE drop constraint FK_SWL_ASSDEL
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_SWIMLANE drop constraint FK_SWL_TSKMGMTDEF
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_SWIMLANEINSTANCE drop constraint FK_SWIMLANEINST_TM
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_SWIMLANEINSTANCE drop constraint FK_SWIMLANEINST_SL
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_TASK drop constraint FK_TSK_TSKCTRL
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_TASK drop constraint FK_TASK_ASSDEL
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_TASK drop constraint FK_TASK_TASKNODE
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_TASK drop constraint FK_TASK_PROCDEF
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_TASK drop constraint FK_TASK_STARTST
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_TASK drop constraint FK_TASK_TASKMGTDEF
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_TASK drop constraint FK_TASK_SWIMLANE
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_TASKACTORPOOL drop constraint FK_TSKACTPOL_PLACT
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_TASKACTORPOOL drop constraint FK_TASKACTPL_TSKI
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_TASKCONTROLLER drop constraint FK_TSKCTRL_DELEG
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_TASKINSTANCE drop constraint FK_TASKINST_TMINST
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_TASKINSTANCE drop constraint FK_TASKINST_TOKEN
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_TASKINSTANCE drop constraint FK_TASKINST_SLINST
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_TASKINSTANCE drop constraint FK_TASKINST_TASK
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_TOKEN drop constraint FK_TOKEN_PARENT
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_TOKEN drop constraint FK_TOKEN_NODE
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_TOKEN drop constraint FK_TOKEN_PROCINST
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_TOKEN drop constraint FK_TOKEN_SUBPI
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_TOKENVARIABLEMAP drop constraint FK_TKVARMAP_CTXT
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_TOKENVARIABLEMAP drop constraint FK_TKVARMAP_TOKEN
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_TRANSITION drop constraint FK_TRANSITION_TO
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_TRANSITION drop constraint FK_TRANS_PROCDEF
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_TRANSITION drop constraint FK_TRANSITION_FROM
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_VARIABLEACCESS drop constraint FK_VARACC_TSKCTRL
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_VARIABLEACCESS drop constraint FK_VARACC_SCRIPT
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_VARIABLEACCESS drop constraint FK_VARACC_PROCST
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_VARIABLEINSTANCE drop constraint FK_VARINST_TK
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_VARIABLEINSTANCE drop constraint FK_VARINST_TKVARMP
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_VARIABLEINSTANCE drop constraint FK_VARINST_PRCINST
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_VARIABLEINSTANCE drop constraint FK_VAR_TSKINST
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_VARIABLEINSTANCE drop constraint FK_BYTEINST_ARRAY
                [jbpmschema] drop table JBPM_ACTION
                [jbpmschema] drop table JBPM_BYTEARRAY
                [jbpmschema] drop table JBPM_BYTEBLOCK
                [jbpmschema] drop table JBPM_COMMENT
                [jbpmschema] drop table JBPM_DECISIONCONDITIONS
                [jbpmschema] drop table JBPM_DELEGATION
                [jbpmschema] drop table JBPM_EVENT
                [jbpmschema] drop table JBPM_EXCEPTIONHANDLER
                [jbpmschema] drop table JBPM_JOB
                [jbpmschema] drop table JBPM_LOG
                [jbpmschema] drop table JBPM_MODULEDEFINITION
                [jbpmschema] drop table JBPM_MODULEINSTANCE
                [jbpmschema] drop table JBPM_NODE
                [jbpmschema] drop table JBPM_POOLEDACTOR
                [jbpmschema] drop table JBPM_PROCESSDEFINITION
                [jbpmschema] drop table JBPM_PROCESSINSTANCE
                [jbpmschema] drop table JBPM_RUNTIMEACTION
                [jbpmschema] drop table JBPM_SWIMLANE
                [jbpmschema] drop table JBPM_SWIMLANEINSTANCE
                [jbpmschema] drop table JBPM_TASK
                [jbpmschema] drop table JBPM_TASKACTORPOOL
                [jbpmschema] drop table JBPM_TASKCONTROLLER
                [jbpmschema] drop table JBPM_TASKINSTANCE
                [jbpmschema] drop table JBPM_TOKEN
                [jbpmschema] drop table JBPM_TOKENVARIABLEMAP
                [jbpmschema] drop table JBPM_TRANSITION
                [jbpmschema] drop table JBPM_VARIABLEACCESS
                [jbpmschema] drop table JBPM_VARIABLEINSTANCE
                [jbpmschema] drop table hibernate_unique_key
                [jbpmschema] create table JBPM_ACTION (ID_ bigint not null, class char(1) not null, NAME_ varchar(255), ISPROPAGATIONALLOWED_ smallint, ACTI
                ONEXPRESSION_ varchar(255), ISASYNC_ smallint, REFERENCEDACTION_ bigint, ACTIONDELEGATION_ bigint, EVENT_ bigint, PROCESSDEFINITION_ bigint,
                TIMERNAME_ varchar(255), DUEDATE_ varchar(255), REPEAT_ varchar(255), TRANSITIONNAME_ varchar(255), TIMERACTION_ bigint, EXPRESSION_ varcha
                r(4000), EVENTINDEX_ integer, EXCEPTIONHANDLER_ bigint, EXCEPTIONHANDLERINDEX_ integer, primary key (ID_))
                [jbpmschema] create table JBPM_BYTEARRAY (ID_ bigint not null, NAME_ varchar(255), FILEDEFINITION_ bigint, primary key (ID_))
                [jbpmschema] create table JBPM_BYTEBLOCK (PROCESSFILE_ bigint not null, BYTES_ varchar(1024) for bit data, INDEX_ integer not null, primary
                key (PROCESSFILE_, INDEX_))
                [jbpmschema] create table JBPM_COMMENT (ID_ bigint not null, VERSION_ integer not null, ACTORID_ varchar(255), TIME_ timestamp, MESSAGE_ var
                char(4000), TOKEN_ bigint, TASKINSTANCE_ bigint, TOKENINDEX_ integer, TASKINSTANCEINDEX_ integer, primary key (ID_))
                [jbpmschema] create table JBPM_DECISIONCONDITIONS (DECISION_ bigint not null, TRANSITIONNAME_ varchar(255), EXPRESSION_ varchar(255), INDEX_
                integer not null, primary key (DECISION_, INDEX_))
                [jbpmschema] create table JBPM_DELEGATION (ID_ bigint not null, CLASSNAME_ varchar(4000), CONFIGURATION_ varchar(4000), CONFIGTYPE_ varchar(
                255), PROCESSDEFINITION_ bigint, primary key (ID_))
                [jbpmschema] create table JBPM_EVENT (ID_ bigint not null, EVENTTYPE_ varchar(255), TYPE_ char(1), GRAPHELEMENT_ bigint, PROCESSDEFINITION_
                bigint, NODE_ bigint, TRANSITION_ bigint, TASK_ bigint, primary key (ID_))
                [jbpmschema] create table JBPM_EXCEPTIONHANDLER (ID_ bigint not null, EXCEPTIONCLASSNAME_ varchar(4000), TYPE_ char(1), GRAPHELEMENT_ bigint
                , PROCESSDEFINITION_ bigint, GRAPHELEMENTINDEX_ integer, NODE_ bigint, TRANSITION_ bigint, TASK_ bigint, primary key (ID_))
                [jbpmschema] create table JBPM_JOB (ID_ bigint not null, CLASS_ char(1) not null, VERSION_ integer not null, DUEDATE_ timestamp, PROCESSINST
                ANCE_ bigint, TOKEN_ bigint, TASKINSTANCE_ bigint, ISSUSPENDED_ smallint, ISEXCLUSIVE_ smallint, LOCKOWNER_ varchar(255), LOCKTIME_ timestam
                p, EXCEPTION_ varchar(4000), RETRIES_ integer, NAME_ varchar(255), REPEAT_ varchar(255), TRANSITIONNAME_ varchar(255), ACTION_ bigint, GRAPH
                ELEMENTTYPE_ varchar(255), GRAPHELEMENT_ bigint, NODE_ bigint, primary key (ID_))
                [jbpmschema] create table JBPM_LOG (ID_ bigint not null, CLASS_ char(1) not null, INDEX_ integer, DATE_ timestamp, TOKEN_ bigint, PARENT_ bi
                gint, MESSAGE_ varchar(4000), EXCEPTION_ varchar(4000), ACTION_ bigint, NODE_ bigint, ENTER_ timestamp, LEAVE_ timestamp, DURATION_ bigint,
                _ bigint, NEWBYTEARRAY_ bigint, OLDDATEVALUE_ timestamp, NEWDATEVALUE_ timestamp, OLDDOUBLEVALUE_ double, NEWDOUBLEVALUE_ double, OLDLONGIDC
                LASS_ varchar(255), OLDLONGIDVALUE_ bigint, NEWLONGIDCLASS_ varchar(255), NEWLONGIDVALUE_ bigint, OLDSTRINGIDCLASS_ varchar(255), OLDSTRINGI
                DVALUE_ varchar(255), NEWSTRINGIDCLASS_ varchar(255), NEWSTRINGIDVALUE_ varchar(255), OLDLONGVALUE_ bigint, OLDSTRINGVALUE_ varchar(4000), N
                EWSTRINGVALUE_ varchar(4000), TASKINSTANCE_ bigint, TASKACTORID_ varchar(255), TASKOLDACTORID_ varchar(255), SWIMLANEINSTANCE_ bigint, prima
                ry key (ID_))
                [jbpmschema] create table JBPM_MODULEDEFINITION (ID_ bigint not null, CLASS_ char(1) not null, NAME_ varchar(4000), PROCESSDEFINITION_ bigin
                t, STARTTASK_ bigint, primary key (ID_))
                [jbpmschema] create table JBPM_MODULEINSTANCE (ID_ bigint not null, CLASS_ char(1) not null, VERSION_ integer not null, PROCESSINSTANCE_ big
                int, TASKMGMTDEFINITION_ bigint, NAME_ varchar(255), primary key (ID_))
                [jbpmschema] create table JBPM_NODE (ID_ bigint not null, CLASS_ char(1) not null, NAME_ varchar(255), PROCESSDEFINITION_ bigint, ISASYNC_ s
                mallint, ISASYNCEXCL_ smallint, ACTION_ bigint, SUPERSTATE_ bigint, SUBPROCESSDEFINITION_ bigint, DECISIONEXPRESSION_ varchar(255), DECISION
                DELEGATION bigint, SIGNAL_ integer, CREATETASKS_ smallint, ENDTASKS_ smallint, NODECOLLECTIONINDEX_ integer, primary key (ID_))
                [jbpmschema] create table JBPM_POOLEDACTOR (ID_ bigint not null, VERSION_ integer not null, ACTORID_ varchar(255), SWIMLANEINSTANCE_ bigint,
                primary key (ID_))
                [jbpmschema] create table JBPM_PROCESSDEFINITION (ID_ bigint not null, NAME_ varchar(255), VERSION_ integer, ISTERMINATIONIMPLICIT_ smallint
                , STARTSTATE_ bigint, primary key (ID_))
                [jbpmschema] create table JBPM_PROCESSINSTANCE (ID_ bigint not null, VERSION_ integer not null, START_ timestamp, END_ timestamp, ISSUSPENDE
                D_ smallint, PROCESSDEFINITION_ bigint, ROOTTOKEN_ bigint, SUPERPROCESSTOKEN_ bigint, primary key (ID_))
                [jbpmschema] create table JBPM_RUNTIMEACTION (ID_ bigint not null, VERSION_ integer not null, EVENTTYPE_ varchar(255), TYPE_ char(1), GRAPHE
                LEMENT_ bigint, PROCESSINSTANCE_ bigint, ACTION_ bigint, PROCESSINSTANCEINDEX_ integer, primary key (ID_))
                [jbpmschema] create table JBPM_SWIMLANE (ID_ bigint not null, NAME_ varchar(255), ACTORIDEXPRESSION_ varchar(255), POOLEDACTORSEXPRESSION_ v
                archar(255), ASSIGNMENTDELEGATION_ bigint, TASKMGMTDEFINITION_ bigint, primary key (ID_))
                [jbpmschema] create table JBPM_SWIMLANEINSTANCE (ID_ bigint not null, VERSION_ integer not null, NAME_ varchar(255), ACTORID_ varchar(255),
                SWIMLANE_ bigint, TASKMGMTINSTANCE_ bigint, primary key (ID_))
                [jbpmschema] create table JBPM_TASK (ID_ bigint not null, NAME_ varchar(255), PROCESSDEFINITION_ bigint, DESCRIPTION_ varchar(4000), ISBLOCK
                ING_ smallint, ISSIGNALLING_ smallint, DUEDATE_ varchar(255), PRIORITY_ integer, ACTORIDEXPRESSION_ varchar(255), POOLEDACTORSEXPRESSION_ va
                rchar(255), TASKMGMTDEFINITION_ bigint, TASKNODE_ bigint, STARTSTATE_ bigint, ASSIGNMENTDELEGATION_ bigint, SWIMLANE_ bigint, TASKCONTROLLER
                _ bigint, primary key (ID_))
                [jbpmschema] create table JBPM_TASKACTORPOOL (TASKINSTANCE_ bigint not null, POOLEDACTOR_ bigint not null, primary key (TASKINSTANCE_, POOLE
                [jbpmschema] create table JBPM_TASKCONTROLLER (ID_ bigint not null, TASKCONTROLLERDELEGATION_ bigint, primary key (ID_))
                [jbpmschema] create table JBPM_TASKINSTANCE (ID_ bigint not null, CLASS_ char(1) not null, VERSION_ integer not null, NAME_ varchar(255), DE
                SCRIPTION_ varchar(4000), ACTORID_ varchar(255), CREATE_ timestamp, START_ timestamp, END_ timestamp, DUEDATE_ timestamp, PRIORITY_ integer,
                ISCANCELLED_ smallint, ISSUSPENDED_ smallint, ISOPEN_ smallint, ISSIGNALLING_ smallint, ISBLOCKING_ smallint, TASK_ bigint, TOKEN_ bigint,
                SWIMLANINSTANCE_ bigint, TASKMGMTINSTANCE_ bigint, primary key (ID_))
                [jbpmschema] create table JBPM_TOKEN (ID_ bigint not null, VERSION_ integer not null, NAME_ varchar(255), START_ timestamp, END_ timestamp,
                E_ bigint, PROCESSINSTANCE_ bigint, PARENT_ bigint, SUBPROCESSINSTANCE_ bigint, primary key (ID_))
                [jbpmschema] create table JBPM_TOKENVARIABLEMAP (ID_ bigint not null, VERSION_ integer not null, TOKEN_ bigint, CONTEXTINSTANCE_ bigint, pri
                mary key (ID_))
                [jbpmschema] create table JBPM_TRANSITION (ID_ bigint not null, NAME_ varchar(255), PROCESSDEFINITION_ bigint, FROM_ bigint, TO_ bigint, FRO
                MINDEX_ integer, primary key (ID_))
                [jbpmschema] create table JBPM_VARIABLEACCESS (ID_ bigint not null, VARIABLENAME_ varchar(255), ACCESS_ varchar(255), MAPPEDNAME_ varchar(25
                5), PROCESSSTATE_ bigint, TASKCONTROLLER_ bigint, INDEX_ integer, SCRIPT_ bigint, primary key (ID_))
                [jbpmschema] create table JBPM_VARIABLEINSTANCE (ID_ bigint not null, CLASS_ char(1) not null, VERSION_ integer not null, NAME_ varchar(255)
                , CONVERTER_ char(1), TOKEN_ bigint, TOKENVARIABLEMAP_ bigint, PROCESSINSTANCE_ bigint, BYTEARRAYVALUE_ bigint, DATEVALUE_ timestamp, DOUBLE
                VALUE_ double, LONGIDCLASS_ varchar(255), LONGVALUE_ bigint, STRINGIDCLASS_ varchar(255), STRINGVALUE_ varchar(255), TASKINSTANCE_ bigint, p
                rimary key (ID_))
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_ACTION add constraint FK_ACTION_EVENT foreign key (EVENT_) references JBPM_EVENT
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_ACTION add constraint FK_ACTION_EXPTHDL foreign key (EXCEPTIONHANDLER_) references JBPM_EXCEPTIONHANDLER
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_ACTION add constraint FK_ACTION_PROCDEF foreign key (PROCESSDEFINITION_) references JBPM_PROCESSDEFINITION
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_ACTION add constraint FK_CRTETIMERACT_TA foreign key (TIMERACTION_) references JBPM_ACTION
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_ACTION add constraint FK_ACTION_ACTNDEL foreign key (ACTIONDELEGATION_) references JBPM_DELEGATION
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_ACTION add constraint FK_ACTION_REFACT foreign key (REFERENCEDACTION_) references JBPM_ACTION
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_BYTEARRAY add constraint FK_BYTEARR_FILDEF foreign key (FILEDEFINITION_) references JBPM_MODULEDEFINITION
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_BYTEBLOCK add constraint FK_BYTEBLOCK_FILE foreign key (PROCESSFILE_) references JBPM_BYTEARRAY
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_COMMENT add constraint FK_COMMENT_TOKEN foreign key (TOKEN_) references JBPM_TOKEN
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_COMMENT add constraint FK_COMMENT_TSK foreign key (TASKINSTANCE_) references JBPM_TASKINSTANCE
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_DECISIONCONDITIONS add constraint FK_DECCOND_DEC foreign key (DECISION_) references JBPM_NODE
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_DELEGATION add constraint FK_DELEGATION_PRCD foreign key (PROCESSDEFINITION_) references JBPM_PROCESSDEFINITIO
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_EVENT add constraint FK_EVENT_PROCDEF foreign key (PROCESSDEFINITION_) references JBPM_PROCESSDEFINITION
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_EVENT add constraint FK_EVENT_NODE foreign key (NODE_) references JBPM_NODE
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_EVENT add constraint FK_EVENT_TRANS foreign key (TRANSITION_) references JBPM_TRANSITION
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_EVENT add constraint FK_EVENT_TASK foreign key (TASK_) references JBPM_TASK
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_JOB add constraint FK_JOB_TOKEN foreign key (TOKEN_) references JBPM_TOKEN
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_JOB add constraint FK_JOB_NODE foreign key (NODE_) references JBPM_NODE
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_JOB add constraint FK_JOB_PRINST foreign key (PROCESSINSTANCE_) references JBPM_PROCESSINSTANCE
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_JOB add constraint FK_JOB_ACTION foreign key (ACTION_) references JBPM_ACTION
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_JOB add constraint FK_JOB_TSKINST foreign key (TASKINSTANCE_) references JBPM_TASKINSTANCE
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_LOG add constraint FK_LOG_SOURCENODE foreign key (SOURCENODE_) references JBPM_NODE
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_LOG add constraint FK_LOG_TOKEN foreign key (TOKEN_) references JBPM_TOKEN
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_LOG add constraint FK_LOG_OLDBYTES foreign key (OLDBYTEARRAY_) references JBPM_BYTEARRAY
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_LOG add constraint FK_LOG_NEWBYTES foreign key (NEWBYTEARRAY_) references JBPM_BYTEARRAY
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_LOG add constraint FK_LOG_CHILDTOKEN foreign key (CHILD_) references JBPM_TOKEN
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_LOG add constraint FK_LOG_DESTNODE foreign key (DESTINATIONNODE_) references JBPM_NODE
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_LOG add constraint FK_LOG_TASKINST foreign key (TASKINSTANCE_) references JBPM_TASKINSTANCE
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_LOG add constraint FK_LOG_SWIMINST foreign key (SWIMLANEINSTANCE_) references JBPM_SWIMLANEINSTANCE
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_LOG add constraint FK_LOG_PARENT foreign key (PARENT_) references JBPM_LOG
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_LOG add constraint FK_LOG_NODE foreign key (NODE_) references JBPM_NODE
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_LOG add constraint FK_LOG_ACTION foreign key (ACTION_) references JBPM_ACTION
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_LOG add constraint FK_LOG_VARINST foreign key (VARIABLEINSTANCE_) references JBPM_VARIABLEINSTANCE
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_LOG add constraint FK_LOG_TRANSITION foreign key (TRANSITION_) references JBPM_TRANSITION
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_MODULEDEFINITION add constraint FK_TSKDEF_START foreign key (STARTTASK_) references JBPM_TASK
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_MODULEDEFINITION add constraint FK_MODDEF_PROCDEF foreign key (PROCESSDEFINITION_) references JBPM_PROCESSDEFI
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_MODULEINSTANCE add constraint FK_TASKMGTINST_TMD foreign key (TASKMGMTDEFINITION_) references JBPM_MODULEDEFIN
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_MODULEINSTANCE add constraint FK_MODINST_PRCINST foreign key (PROCESSINSTANCE_) references JBPM_PROCESSINSTANC
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_NODE add constraint FK_PROCST_SBPRCDEF foreign key (SUBPROCESSDEFINITION_) references JBPM_PROCESSDEFINITION
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_NODE add constraint FK_NODE_PROCDEF foreign key (PROCESSDEFINITION_) references JBPM_PROCESSDEFINITION
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_NODE add constraint FK_NODE_ACTION foreign key (ACTION_) references JBPM_ACTION
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_NODE add constraint FK_DECISION_DELEG foreign key (DECISIONDELEGATION) references JBPM_DELEGATION
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_NODE add constraint FK_NODE_SUPERSTATE foreign key (SUPERSTATE_) references JBPM_NODE
                [jbpmschema] create index IDX_PLDACTR_ACTID on JBPM_POOLEDACTOR (ACTORID_)
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_POOLEDACTOR add constraint FK_POOLEDACTOR_SLI foreign key (SWIMLANEINSTANCE_) references JBPM_SWIMLANEINSTANCE

                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_PROCESSDEFINITION add constraint FK_PROCDEF_STRTSTA foreign key (STARTSTATE_) references JBPM_NODE
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_PROCESSINSTANCE add constraint FK_PROCIN_PROCDEF foreign key (PROCESSDEFINITION_) references JBPM_PROCESSDEFIN
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_PROCESSINSTANCE add constraint FK_PROCIN_ROOTTKN foreign key (ROOTTOKEN_) references JBPM_TOKEN
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_PROCESSINSTANCE add constraint FK_PROCIN_SPROCTKN foreign key (SUPERPROCESSTOKEN_) references JBPM_TOKEN
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_RUNTIMEACTION add constraint FK_RTACTN_PROCINST foreign key (PROCESSINSTANCE_) references JBPM_PROCESSINSTANCE

                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_RUNTIMEACTION add constraint FK_RTACTN_ACTION foreign key (ACTION_) references JBPM_ACTION
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_SWIMLANE add constraint FK_SWL_ASSDEL foreign key (ASSIGNMENTDELEGATION_) references JBPM_DELEGATION
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_SWIMLANE add constraint FK_SWL_TSKMGMTDEF foreign key (TASKMGMTDEFINITION_) references JBPM_MODULEDEFINITION
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_SWIMLANEINSTANCE add constraint FK_SWIMLANEINST_TM foreign key (TASKMGMTINSTANCE_) references JBPM_MODULEINSTA
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_SWIMLANEINSTANCE add constraint FK_SWIMLANEINST_SL foreign key (SWIMLANE_) references JBPM_SWIMLANE
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_TASK add constraint FK_TSK_TSKCTRL foreign key (TASKCONTROLLER_) references JBPM_TASKCONTROLLER
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_TASK add constraint FK_TASK_ASSDEL foreign key (ASSIGNMENTDELEGATION_) references JBPM_DELEGATION
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_TASK add constraint FK_TASK_TASKNODE foreign key (TASKNODE_) references JBPM_NODE
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_TASK add constraint FK_TASK_PROCDEF foreign key (PROCESSDEFINITION_) references JBPM_PROCESSDEFINITION
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_TASK add constraint FK_TASK_STARTST foreign key (STARTSTATE_) references JBPM_NODE
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_TASK add constraint FK_TASK_TASKMGTDEF foreign key (TASKMGMTDEFINITION_) references JBPM_MODULEDEFINITION
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_TASK add constraint FK_TASK_SWIMLANE foreign key (SWIMLANE_) references JBPM_SWIMLANE
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_TASKACTORPOOL add constraint FK_TSKACTPOL_PLACT foreign key (POOLEDACTOR_) references JBPM_POOLEDACTOR
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_TASKACTORPOOL add constraint FK_TASKACTPL_TSKI foreign key (TASKINSTANCE_) references JBPM_TASKINSTANCE
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_TASKCONTROLLER add constraint FK_TSKCTRL_DELEG foreign key (TASKCONTROLLERDELEGATION_) references JBPM_DELEGAT
                [jbpmschema] create index IDX_TASK_ACTORID on JBPM_TASKINSTANCE (ACTORID_)
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_TASKINSTANCE add constraint FK_TASKINST_TMINST foreign key (TASKMGMTINSTANCE_) references JBPM_MODULEINSTANCE
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_TASKINSTANCE add constraint FK_TASKINST_TOKEN foreign key (TOKEN_) references JBPM_TOKEN
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_TASKINSTANCE add constraint FK_TASKINST_SLINST foreign key (SWIMLANINSTANCE_) references JBPM_SWIMLANEINSTANCE

                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_TASKINSTANCE add constraint FK_TASKINST_TASK foreign key (TASK_) references JBPM_TASK
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_TOKEN add constraint FK_TOKEN_PARENT foreign key (PARENT_) references JBPM_TOKEN
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_TOKEN add constraint FK_TOKEN_NODE foreign key (NODE_) references JBPM_NODE
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_TOKEN add constraint FK_TOKEN_PROCINST foreign key (PROCESSINSTANCE_) references JBPM_PROCESSINSTANCE
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_TOKEN add constraint FK_TOKEN_SUBPI foreign key (SUBPROCESSINSTANCE_) references JBPM_PROCESSINSTANCE
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_TOKENVARIABLEMAP add constraint FK_TKVARMAP_CTXT foreign key (CONTEXTINSTANCE_) references JBPM_MODULEINSTANCE

                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_TOKENVARIABLEMAP add constraint FK_TKVARMAP_TOKEN foreign key (TOKEN_) references JBPM_TOKEN
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_TRANSITION add constraint FK_TRANSITION_TO foreign key (TO_) references JBPM_NODE
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_TRANSITION add constraint FK_TRANS_PROCDEF foreign key (PROCESSDEFINITION_) references JBPM_PROCESSDEFINITION
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_TRANSITION add constraint FK_TRANSITION_FROM foreign key (FROM_) references JBPM_NODE
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_VARIABLEACCESS add constraint FK_VARACC_TSKCTRL foreign key (TASKCONTROLLER_) references JBPM_TASKCONTROLLER
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_VARIABLEACCESS add constraint FK_VARACC_SCRIPT foreign key (SCRIPT_) references JBPM_ACTION
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_VARIABLEACCESS add constraint FK_VARACC_PROCST foreign key (PROCESSSTATE_) references JBPM_NODE
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_VARIABLEINSTANCE add constraint FK_VARINST_TK foreign key (TOKEN_) references JBPM_TOKEN
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_VARIABLEINSTANCE add constraint FK_VARINST_TKVARMP foreign key (TOKENVARIABLEMAP_) references JBPM_TOKENVARIAB
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_VARIABLEINSTANCE add constraint FK_VARINST_PRCINST foreign key (PROCESSINSTANCE_) references JBPM_PROCESSINSTA
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_VARIABLEINSTANCE add constraint FK_VAR_TSKINST foreign key (TASKINSTANCE_) references JBPM_TASKINSTANCE
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_VARIABLEINSTANCE add constraint FK_BYTEINST_ARRAY foreign key (BYTEARRAYVALUE_) references JBPM_BYTEARRAY
                [jbpmschema] create table hibernate_unique_key ( next_hi integer )
                [jbpmschema] insert into hibernate_unique_key values ( 0 )
                [jbpmschema] using jbpm configuration jbpm/firebird.jbpm.cfg.xml
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_ACTION drop constraint FK_ACTION_EVENT
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_ACTION drop constraint FK_ACTION_EXPTHDL
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_ACTION drop constraint FK_ACTION_PROCDEF
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_ACTION drop constraint FK_CRTETIMERACT_TA
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_ACTION drop constraint FK_ACTION_ACTNDEL
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_ACTION drop constraint FK_ACTION_REFACT
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_BYTEARRAY drop constraint FK_BYTEARR_FILDEF
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_BYTEBLOCK drop constraint FK_BYTEBLOCK_FILE
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_COMMENT drop constraint FK_COMMENT_TOKEN
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_COMMENT drop constraint FK_COMMENT_TSK
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_DECISIONCONDITIONS drop constraint FK_DECCOND_DEC
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_DELEGATION drop constraint FK_DELEGATION_PRCD
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_EVENT drop constraint FK_EVENT_PROCDEF
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_EVENT drop constraint FK_EVENT_NODE
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_EVENT drop constraint FK_EVENT_TRANS
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_EVENT drop constraint FK_EVENT_TASK
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_JOB drop constraint FK_JOB_TOKEN
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_JOB drop constraint FK_JOB_NODE
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_JOB drop constraint FK_JOB_PRINST
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_JOB drop constraint FK_JOB_ACTION
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_JOB drop constraint FK_JOB_TSKINST
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_LOG drop constraint FK_LOG_SOURCENODE
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_LOG drop constraint FK_LOG_TOKEN
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_LOG drop constraint FK_LOG_OLDBYTES
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_LOG drop constraint FK_LOG_NEWBYTES
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_LOG drop constraint FK_LOG_CHILDTOKEN
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_LOG drop constraint FK_LOG_DESTNODE
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_LOG drop constraint FK_LOG_TASKINST
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_LOG drop constraint FK_LOG_SWIMINST
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_LOG drop constraint FK_LOG_PARENT
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_LOG drop constraint FK_LOG_NODE
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_LOG drop constraint FK_LOG_ACTION
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_LOG drop constraint FK_LOG_VARINST
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_LOG drop constraint FK_LOG_TRANSITION
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_MODULEDEFINITION drop constraint FK_TSKDEF_START
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_MODULEDEFINITION drop constraint FK_MODDEF_PROCDEF
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_MODULEINSTANCE drop constraint FK_TASKMGTINST_TMD
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_MODULEINSTANCE drop constraint FK_MODINST_PRCINST
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_NODE drop constraint FK_PROCST_SBPRCDEF
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_NODE drop constraint FK_NODE_PROCDEF
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_NODE drop constraint FK_NODE_ACTION
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_NODE drop constraint FK_DECISION_DELEG
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_NODE drop constraint FK_NODE_SUPERSTATE
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_POOLEDACTOR drop constraint FK_POOLEDACTOR_SLI
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_PROCESSDEFINITION drop constraint FK_PROCDEF_STRTSTA
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_PROCESSINSTANCE drop constraint FK_PROCIN_PROCDEF
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_PROCESSINSTANCE drop constraint FK_PROCIN_ROOTTKN
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_PROCESSINSTANCE drop constraint FK_PROCIN_SPROCTKN
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_RUNTIMEACTION drop constraint FK_RTACTN_PROCINST
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_RUNTIMEACTION drop constraint FK_RTACTN_ACTION
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_SWIMLANE drop constraint FK_SWL_ASSDEL
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_SWIMLANE drop constraint FK_SWL_TSKMGMTDEF
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_SWIMLANEINSTANCE drop constraint FK_SWIMLANEINST_TM
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_SWIMLANEINSTANCE drop constraint FK_SWIMLANEINST_SL
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_TASK drop constraint FK_TSK_TSKCTRL
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_TASK drop constraint FK_TASK_ASSDEL
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_TASK drop constraint FK_TASK_TASKNODE
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_TASK drop constraint FK_TASK_PROCDEF
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_TASK drop constraint FK_TASK_STARTST
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_TASK drop constraint FK_TASK_TASKMGTDEF
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_TASK drop constraint FK_TASK_SWIMLANE
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_TASKACTORPOOL drop constraint FK_TSKACTPOL_PLACT
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_TASKACTORPOOL drop constraint FK_TASKACTPL_TSKI
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_TASKCONTROLLER drop constraint FK_TSKCTRL_DELEG
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_TASKINSTANCE drop constraint FK_TASKINST_TMINST
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_TASKINSTANCE drop constraint FK_TASKINST_TOKEN
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_TASKINSTANCE drop constraint FK_TASKINST_SLINST
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_TASKINSTANCE drop constraint FK_TASKINST_TASK
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_TOKEN drop constraint FK_TOKEN_PARENT
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_TOKEN drop constraint FK_TOKEN_NODE
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_TOKEN drop constraint FK_TOKEN_PROCINST
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_TOKEN drop constraint FK_TOKEN_SUBPI
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_TOKENVARIABLEMAP drop constraint FK_TKVARMAP_CTXT
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_TOKENVARIABLEMAP drop constraint FK_TKVARMAP_TOKEN
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_TRANSITION drop constraint FK_TRANSITION_TO
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_TRANSITION drop constraint FK_TRANS_PROCDEF
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_TRANSITION drop constraint FK_TRANSITION_FROM
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_VARIABLEACCESS drop constraint FK_VARACC_TSKCTRL
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_VARIABLEACCESS drop constraint FK_VARACC_SCRIPT
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_VARIABLEACCESS drop constraint FK_VARACC_PROCST
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_VARIABLEINSTANCE drop constraint FK_VARINST_TK
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_VARIABLEINSTANCE drop constraint FK_VARINST_TKVARMP
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_VARIABLEINSTANCE drop constraint FK_VARINST_PRCINST
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_VARIABLEINSTANCE drop constraint FK_VAR_TSKINST
                [jbpmschema] alter table JBPM_VARIABLEINSTANCE drop constraint FK_BYTEINST_ARRAY
                [jbpmschema] drop table JBPM_ACTION
                [jbpmschema] drop table JBPM_BYTEARRAY
                [jbpmschema] drop table JBPM_BYTEBLOCK
                [jbpmschema] drop table JBPM_COMMENT
                [jbpmschema] drop table JBPM_DECISIONCONDITIONS
                [jbpmschema] drop table JBPM_DELEGATION
                [jbpmschema] drop table JBPM_EVENT
                [jbpmschema] drop table JBPM_EXCEPTIONHANDLER
                [jbpmschema] drop table JBPM_JOB
                [jbpmschema] drop table JBPM_LOG
                [jbpmschema] drop table JBPM_MODULEDEFINITION
                [jbpmschema] drop table JBPM_MODULEINSTANCE
                [jbpmschema] drop table JBPM_NODE
                [jbpmschema] drop table JBPM_POOLEDACTOR
                [jbpmschema] drop table JBPM_PROCESSDEFINITION
                [jbpmschema] drop table JBPM_PROCESSINSTANCE
                [jbpmschema] drop table JBPM_RUNTIMEACTION
                [jbpmschema] drop table JBPM_SWIMLANE
                [jbpmschema] drop table JBPM_SWIMLANEINSTANCE
                [jbpmschema] drop table JBPM_TASK
                [jbpmschema] drop table JBPM_TASKACTORPOOL
                [jbpmschema] drop table JBPM_TASKCONTROLLER
                [jbpmschema] drop table JBPM_TASKINSTANCE
                [jbpmschema] drop table JBPM_TOKEN
                [jbpmschema] drop table JBPM_TOKENVARIABLEMAP
                [jbpmschema] drop table JBPM_TRANSITION
                [jbpmschema] drop table JBPM_VARIABLEACCESS
                [jbpmschema] drop table JBPM_VARIABLEINSTANCE
                [jbpmschema] drop generator hibernate_sequence
                [jbpmschema] create table JBPM_ACTION (ID_ numeric(18,0) not null, class char(1) not null, NAME_ varchar(255), ISPROPAGATIONALLOWED_ smallin
                t, ACTIONEXPRESSION_ varchar(255), ISASYNC_ smallint, REFERENCEDACTION_ numeric(18,0), ACTIONDELEGATION_ numeric(18,0), EVENT_ numeric(18,0)
                , PROCESSDEFINITION_ numeric(18,0), TIMERNAME_ varchar(255), DUEDATE_ varchar(255), REPEAT_ varchar(255), TRANSITIONNAME_ varchar(255), TIME
                RACTION_ numeric(18,0), EXPRESSION_ varchar(4000), EVENTINDEX_ integer, EXCEPTIONHANDLER_ numeric(18,0), EXCEPTIONHANDLERINDEX_ integer, pri
                mary key (ID_))
                [jbpmschema] create table JBPM_BYTEARRAY (ID_ numeric(18,0) not null, NAME_ varchar(255), FILEDEFINITION_ numeric(18,0), primary key (ID_))
                [jbpmschema] create table JBPM_BYTEBLOCK (PROCESSFILE_ numeric(18,0) not null, BYTES_ blob, INDEX_ integer not null, primary key (PROCESSFIL
                E_, INDEX_))
                [jbpmschema] create table JBPM_COMMENT (ID_ numeric(18,0) not null, VERSION_ integer not null, ACTORID_ varchar(255), TIME_ timestamp, MESSA
                GE_ varchar(4000), TOKEN_ numeric(18,0), TASKINSTANCE_ numeric(18,0), TOKENINDEX_ integer, TASKINSTANCEINDEX_ integer, primary key (ID_))
                [jbpmschema] create table JBPM_DECISIONCONDITIONS (DECISION_ numeric(18,0) not null, TRANSITIONNAME_ varchar(255), EXPRESSION_ varchar(255),
                INDEX_ integer not null, primary key (DECISION_, INDEX_))
                [jbpmschema] create table JBPM_DELEGATION (ID_ numeric(18,0) not null, CLASSNAME_ varchar(4000), CONFIGURATION_ varchar(4000), CONFIGTYPE_ v
                archar(255), PROCESSDEFINITION_ numeric(18,0), primary key (ID_))
                [jbpmschema] create table JBPM_EVENT (ID_ numeric(18,0) not null, EVENTTYPE_ varchar(255), TYPE_ char(1), GRAPHELEMENT_ numeric(18,0), PROCE
                SSDEFINITION_ numeric(18,0), NODE_ numeric(18,0), TRANSITION_ numeric(18,0), TASK_ numeric(18,0), primary key (ID_))
                [jbpmschema] create table JBPM_EXCEPTIONHANDLER (ID_ numeric(18,0) not null, EXCEPTIONCLASSNAME_ varchar(4000), TYPE_ char(1), GRAPHELEMENT_
                numeric(18,0), PROCESSDEFINITION_ numeric(18,0), GRAPHELEMENTINDEX_ integer, NODE_ numeric(18,0), TRANSITION_ numeric(18,0), TASK_ numeric(
                18,0), primary key (ID_))
                [jbpmschema] create table JBPM_JOB (ID_ numeric(18,0) not null, CLASS_ char(1) not null, VERSION_ integer not null, DUEDATE_ timestamp, PROC
                ESSINSTANCE_ numeric(18,0), TOKEN_ numeric(18,0), TASKINSTANCE_ numeric(18,0), ISSUSPENDED_ smallint, ISEXCLUSIVE_ smallint, LOCKOWNER_ varc
                har(255), LOCKTIME_ timestamp, EXCEPTION_ varchar(4000), RETRIES_ integer, NAME_ varchar(255), REPEAT_ varchar(255), TRANSITIONNAME_ varchar
                (255), ACTION_ numeric(18,0), GRAPHELEMENTTYPE_ varchar(255), GRAPHELEMENT_ numeric(18,0), NODE_ numeric(18,0), primary key (ID_))
                [jbpmschema] create table JBPM_LOG (ID_ numeric(18,0) not null, CLASS_ char(1) not null, INDEX_ integer, DATE_ timestamp, TOKEN_ numeric(18,
                0), PARENT_ numeric(18,0), MESSAGE_ varchar(4000), EXCEPTION_ varchar(4000), ACTION_ numeric(18,0), NODE_ numeric(18,0), ENTER_ timestamp, L
                EAVE_ timestamp, DURATION_ numeric(18,0), NEWLONGVALUE_ numeric(18,0), TRANSITION_ numeric(18,0), CHILD_ numeric(18,0), SOURCENODE_ numeric(
                18,0), DESTINATIONNODE_ numeric(18,0), VARIABLEINSTANCE_ numeric(18,0), OLDBYTEARRAY_ numeric(18,0), NEWBYTEARRAY_ numeric(18,0), OLDDATEVAL
                UE_ timestamp, NEWDATEVALUE_ timestamp, OLDDOUBLEVALUE_ double precision, NEWDOUBLEVALUE_ double precision, OLDLONGIDCLASS_ varchar(255), OL
                DLONGIDVALUE_ numeric(18,0), NEWLONGIDCLASS_ varchar(255), NEWLONGIDVALUE_ numeric(18,0), OLDSTRINGIDCLASS_ varchar(255), OLDSTRINGIDVALUE_
                varchar(255), NEWSTRINGIDCLASS_ varchar(255), NEWSTRINGIDVALUE_ varchar(255), OLDLONGVALUE_ numeric(18,0), OLDSTRINGVALUE_ varchar(4000), NE
                WSTRINGVALUE_ varchar(4000), TASKINSTANCE_ numeric(18,0), TASKACTORID_ varchar(255), TASKOLDACTORID_ varchar(255), SWIMLANEINSTANCE_ numeric
                (18,0), primary key (ID_))
                [jbpmschema] create table JBPM_MODULEDEFINITION (ID_ numeric(18,0) not null, CLASS_ char(1) not null, NAME_ varchar(4000), PROCESSDEFINITION
                _ numeric(18,0), STARTTASK_ numeric(18,0), primary key (ID_))
                [jbpmschema] create table JBPM_MODULEINSTANCE (ID_ numeric(18,0) not null, CLASS_ char(1) not null, VERSION_ integer not null, PROCESSINSTAN
                CE_ numeric(18,0), TASKMGMTDEFINITION_ numeric(18,0), NAME_ varchar(255), primary key (ID_))
                [jbpmschema] create table JBPM_NODE (ID_ numeric(18,0) not null, CLASS_ char(1) not null, NAME_ varchar(255), PROCESSDEFINITION_ numeric(18,
                0), ISASYNC_ smallint, ISASYNCEXCL_ smallint, ACTION_ numeric(18,0), SUPERSTATE_ numeric(18,0), SUBPROCESSDEFINITION_ numeric(18,0), DECISIO
                NEXPRESSION_ varchar(255), DECISIONDELEGATION numeric(18,0), SIGNAL_ integer, CREATETASKS_ smallint, ENDTASKS_ smallint, NODECOLLECTIONINDEX
                _ integer, primary key (ID_))
                [jbpmschema] create table JBPM_POOLEDACTOR (ID_ numeric(18,0) not null, VERSION_ integer not null, ACTORID_ varchar(255), SWIMLANEINSTANCE_
                numeric(18,0), primary key (ID_))
                [jbpmschema] create table JBPM_PROCESSDEFINITION (ID_ numeric(18,0) not null, NAME_ varchar(255), VERSION_ integer, ISTERMINATIONIMPLICIT_ s
                mallint, STARTSTATE_ numeric(18,0), primary key (ID_))
                [jbpmschema] create table JBPM_PROCESSINSTANCE (ID_ numeric(18,0) not null, VERSION_ integer not null, START_ timestamp, END_ timestamp, ISS
                USPENDED_ smallint, PROCESSDEFINITION_ numeric(18,0), ROOTTOKEN_ numeric(18,0), SUPERPROCESSTOKEN_ numeric(18,0), primary key (ID_))
                [jbpmschema] create table JBPM_RUNTIMEACTION (ID_ numeric(18,0) not null, VERSION_ integer not null, EVENTTYPE_ varchar(255), TYPE_ char(1),
                GRAPHELEMENT_ numeric(18,0), PROCESSINSTANCE_ numeric(18,0), ACTION_ numeric(18,0), PROCESSINSTANCEINDEX_ integer, primary key (ID_))
                [jbpmschema] create table JBPM_SWIMLANE (ID_ numeric(18,0) not null, NAME_ varchar(255), ACTORIDEXPRESSION_ varchar(255), POOLEDACTORSEXPRES
                SION_ varchar(255), ASSIGNMENTDELEGATION_ numeric(18,0), TASKMGMTDEFINITION_ numeric(18,0), primary key (ID_))
                [jbpmschema] create table JBPM_SWIMLANEINSTANCE (ID_ numeric(18,0) not null, VERSION_ integer not null, NAME_ varchar(255), ACTORID_ varchar
                (255), SWIMLANE_ numeric(18,0), TASKMGMTINSTANCE_ numeric(18,0), primary key (ID_))
                [jbpmschema] create table JBPM_TASK (ID_ numeric(18,0) not null, NAME_ varchar(255), PROCESSDEFINITION_ numeric(18,0), DESCRIPTION_ varchar(
                4000), ISBLOCKING_ smallint, ISSIGNALLING_ smallint, DUEDATE_ varchar(255), PRIORITY_ integer, ACTORIDEXPRESSION_ varchar(255), POOLEDACTORS
                EXPRESSION_ varchar(255), TASKMGMTDEFINITION_ numeric(18,0), TASKNODE_ numeric(18,0), STARTSTATE_ numeric(18,0), ASSIGNMENTDELEGATION_ numer
                ic(18,0), SWIMLANE_ numeric(18,0), TASKCONTROLLER_ numeric(18,0), primary key (ID_))
                [jbpmschema] create table JBPM_TASKACTORPOOL (TASKINSTANCE_ numeric(18,0) not null, POOLEDACTOR_ numeric(18,0) not null, primary key (TASKIN
                STANCE_, POOLEDACTOR_))
                [jbpmschema] create table JBPM_TASKCONTROLLER (ID_ numeric(18,0) not null, TASKCONTROLLERDELEGATION_ numeric(18,0)

                • 5. Re: docbook-support is missing

                  Appologies, the trace is cut off due to its length probably.
                  Here is the final and the most relevant part of the trace.
                  Thank you again & regards

                  [java] Buildfile: mainTargets.xml

                  [java] main:

                  [java] preBuild:

                  [java] preSetup:
                  [java] [echo] doing preSetup

                  [java] getMapFiles:
                  [java] [echo] doing getMapFiles
                  [java] [copy] Copying 1 file to D:\work\java\jbpm.3\designer\jpdl\org.jbpm.gd.jpdl.build\target\workspace\maps

                  [java] postSetup:
                  [java] [echo] doing postSetup

                  [java] fetch:

                  [java] generate:

                  [java] preGenerate:
                  [java] [echo] doing preGenerate
                  [java] [echo] baseLocation is d:/work/java/jbpm.3/eclipse

                  [java] allElements:

                  [java] init:

                  [java] generateScript:
                  [java] [eclipse.buildScript] Some inter-plug-in dependencies have not been satisfied.
                  [java] [eclipse.buildScript] Bundle org.jbpm.gd.jpdl.core:
                  [java] [eclipse.buildScript] Missing required plug-in org.eclipse.wst.xml.core_0.0.0.
                  [java] [eclipse.buildScript] Missing required plug-in org.eclipse.wst.sse.core_0.0.0.
                  [java] [eclipse.buildScript] Bundle org.jbpm.gd.jpdl.ui:
                  [java] [eclipse.buildScript] Missing required plug-in org.eclipse.draw2d_0.0.0.
                  [java] [eclipse.buildScript] Missing required plug-in org.eclipse.gef_0.0.0.
                  [java] [eclipse.buildScript] Missing required plug-in org.eclipse.wst.sse.core_0.0.0.
                  [java] [eclipse.buildScript] Missing required plug-in org.eclipse.wst.xml.core_0.0.0.
                  [java] [eclipse.buildScript] Missing required plug-in org.eclipse.wst.xml.ui_0.0.0.
                  [java] [eclipse.buildScript] Missing required plug-in org.eclipse.wst.sse.ui_0.0.0.
                  [java] [eclipse.buildScript] Missing required plug-in org.eclipse.wst.common.ui_0.0.0.
                  [java] [eclipse.buildScript] Missing required plug-in org.jbpm.gd.jpdl.core_0.0.0.

                  [java] BUILD FAILED
                  [java] D:\work\java\jbpm.3\designer\jpdl\org.jbpm.gd.jpdl.build\mainTargets.xml:23: The following error occurred while executing this l
                  [java] D:\work\java\jbpm.3\designer\jpdl\org.jbpm.gd.jpdl.build\mainTargets.xml:63: The following error occurred while executing this l
                  [java] D:\work\java\jbpm.3\designer\jpdl\org.jbpm.gd.jpdl.build\customTargets.xml:8: The following error occurred while executing this
                  [java] D:\work\java\jbpm.3\designer\jpdl\org.jbpm.gd.jpdl.build\genericTargets.xml:63: Unable to find plug-in: org.jbpm.gd.jpdl.ui_0.0.
                  0. Please check the error log for more details.

                  [java] Total time: 2 seconds
                  [java] Java Result: 13

                  [mkdir] Created dir: D:\work\java\jbpm.3\designer\jpdl\org.jbpm.gd.jpdl.build\target\manifest


                  BUILD FAILED
                  D:\work\java\jbpm.3\build\build.xml:60: The following error occurred while executing this line:
                  D:\work\java\jbpm.3\designer\jpdl\org.jbpm.gd.jpdl.build\build.xml:60: The following error occurred while executing this line:
                  D:\work\java\jbpm.3\designer\jpdl\org.jbpm.gd.jpdl.build\build.xml:189: Warning: Could not find file D:\work\java\jbpm.3\designer\jpdl\org.j
                  bpm.gd.jpdl.build\target\workspace\N.3.0.12-SNAPSHOT\org.jbpm.gd.jpdl.feature-3.0.12-SNAPSHOT.zip to copy.

                  • 6. Re: docbook-support is missing


                    From the log I can't really see what is going on. Can you run ant with the debug flag so that we have some more detailed output?


                    • 7. Re: docbook-support is missing

                      Hi Koen,
                      I turned on the debug mode.
                      target: move-feature fails in designer\jpdl\org.jbpm.gd.jpdl.build\build.xml:189:

                      It seems that
                      has not been created in
                      and therefore it cannot be copied.

                      I have checked the folder:
                      and there are not any zip archive there, still directories:
                      - .metadata
                      - features
                      - maps
                      - plugins

                      Here is the detailed stack trace.
                      Thank you for your help.

                      [antcall] Exiting D:\work\java\jbpm.3\designer\jpdl\org.jbpm.gd.jpdl.build\build.xml.
                      [ant] Exiting D:\work\java\jbpm.3\designer\jpdl\org.jbpm.gd.jpdl.build\build.xml.

                      BUILD FAILED
                      D:\work\java\jbpm.3\build\build.xml:60: The following error occurred while executing this line:
                      D:\work\java\jbpm.3\designer\jpdl\org.jbpm.gd.jpdl.build\build.xml:60: The following error occurred while executing this line:
                      D:\work\java\jbpm.3\designer\jpdl\org.jbpm.gd.jpdl.build\build.xml:189: Warning: Could not find file D:\work\java\jbpm.3\designer\jpdl\org.j
                      bpm.gd.jpdl.build\target\workspace\N.3.0.12-SNAPSHOT\org.jbpm.gd.jpdl.feature-3.0.12-SNAPSHOT.zip to copy.
                      at org.apache.tools.ant.ProjectHelper.addLocationToBuildException(ProjectHelper.java:539)
                      at org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.Ant.execute(Ant.java:384)
                      at org.apache.tools.ant.UnknownElement.execute(UnknownElement.java:275)
                      at org.apache.tools.ant.Task.perform(Task.java:364)
                      at org.apache.tools.ant.Target.execute(Target.java:341)
                      at org.apache.tools.ant.Target.performTasks(Target.java:369)
                      at org.apache.tools.ant.Project.executeSortedTargets(Project.java:1216)
                      at org.apache.tools.ant.Project.executeTarget(Project.java:1185)
                      at org.apache.tools.ant.helper.DefaultExecutor.executeTargets(DefaultExecutor.java:40)
                      at org.apache.tools.ant.Project.executeTargets(Project.java:1068)
                      at org.apache.tools.ant.Main.runBuild(Main.java:668)
                      at org.apache.tools.ant.Main.startAnt(Main.java:187)
                      at org.apache.tools.ant.launch.Launcher.run(Launcher.java:246)
                      at org.apache.tools.ant.launch.Launcher.main(Launcher.java:67)
                      Caused by: D:\work\java\jbpm.3\designer\jpdl\org.jbpm.gd.jpdl.build\build.xml:60: The following error occurred while executing this line:
                      D:\work\java\jbpm.3\designer\jpdl\org.jbpm.gd.jpdl.build\build.xml:189: Warning: Could not find file D:\work\java\jbpm.3\designer\jpdl\org.j
                      bpm.gd.jpdl.build\target\workspace\N.3.0.12-SNAPSHOT\org.jbpm.gd.jpdl.feature-3.0.12-SNAPSHOT.zip to copy.
                      at org.apache.tools.ant.ProjectHelper.addLocationToBuildException(ProjectHelper.java:539)
                      at org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.Ant.execute(Ant.java:384)
                      at org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.CallTarget.execute(CallTarget.java:107)
                      at org.apache.tools.ant.UnknownElement.execute(UnknownElement.java:275)
                      at org.apache.tools.ant.Task.perform(Task.java:364)
                      at org.apache.tools.ant.Target.execute(Target.java:341)
                      at org.apache.tools.ant.Target.performTasks(Target.java:369)
                      at org.apache.tools.ant.Project.executeSortedTargets(Project.java:1216)
                      at org.apache.tools.ant.helper.SingleCheckExecutor.executeTargets(SingleCheckExecutor.java:37)
                      at org.apache.tools.ant.Project.executeTargets(Project.java:1068)
                      at org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.Ant.execute(Ant.java:382)
                      ... 12 more
                      Caused by: D:\work\java\jbpm.3\designer\jpdl\org.jbpm.gd.jpdl.build\build.xml:189: Warning: Could not find file D:\work\java\jbpm.3\designer
                      \jpdl\org.jbpm.gd.jpdl.build\target\workspace\N.3.0.12-SNAPSHOT\org.jbpm.gd.jpdl.feature-3.0.12-SNAPSHOT.zip to copy.
                      at org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.Copy.execute(Copy.java:394)
                      at org.apache.tools.ant.UnknownElement.execute(UnknownElement.java:275)
                      at org.apache.tools.ant.Task.perform(Task.java:364)
                      at org.apache.tools.ant.Target.execute(Target.java:341)
                      at org.apache.tools.ant.Target.performTasks(Target.java:369)
                      at org.apache.tools.ant.Project.executeSortedTargets(Project.java:1216)
                      at org.apache.tools.ant.helper.SingleCheckExecutor.executeTargets(SingleCheckExecutor.java:37)
                      at org.apache.tools.ant.Project.executeTargets(Project.java:1068)
                      at org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.Ant.execute(Ant.java:382)
                      ... 21 more
                      --- Nested Exception ---
                      D:\work\java\jbpm.3\designer\jpdl\org.jbpm.gd.jpdl.build\build.xml:60: The following error occurred while executing this line:
                      D:\work\java\jbpm.3\designer\jpdl\org.jbpm.gd.jpdl.build\build.xml:189: Warning: Could not find file D:\work\java\jbpm.3\designer\jpdl\org.j
                      bpm.gd.jpdl.build\target\workspace\N.3.0.12-SNAPSHOT\org.jbpm.gd.jpdl.feature-3.0.12-SNAPSHOT.zip to copy.
                      at org.apache.tools.ant.ProjectHelper.addLocationToBuildException(ProjectHelper.java:539)
                      at org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.Ant.execute(Ant.java:384)
                      at org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.CallTarget.execute(CallTarget.java:107)
                      at org.apache.tools.ant.UnknownElement.execute(UnknownElement.java:275)
                      at org.apache.tools.ant.Task.perform(Task.java:364)
                      at org.apache.tools.ant.Target.execute(Target.java:341)
                      at org.apache.tools.ant.Target.performTasks(Target.java:369)
                      at org.apache.tools.ant.Project.executeSortedTargets(Project.java:1216)
                      at org.apache.tools.ant.helper.SingleCheckExecutor.executeTargets(SingleCheckExecutor.java:37)
                      at org.apache.tools.ant.Project.executeTargets(Project.java:1068)
                      at org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.Ant.execute(Ant.java:382)
                      at org.apache.tools.ant.UnknownElement.execute(UnknownElement.java:275)
                      at org.apache.tools.ant.Task.perform(Task.java:364)
                      at org.apache.tools.ant.Target.execute(Target.java:341)
                      at org.apache.tools.ant.Target.performTasks(Target.java:369)
                      at org.apache.tools.ant.Project.executeSortedTargets(Project.java:1216)
                      at org.apache.tools.ant.Project.executeTarget(Project.java:1185)
                      at org.apache.tools.ant.helper.DefaultExecutor.executeTargets(DefaultExecutor.java:40)
                      at org.apache.tools.ant.Project.executeTargets(Project.java:1068)
                      at org.apache.tools.ant.Main.runBuild(Main.java:668)
                      at org.apache.tools.ant.Main.startAnt(Main.java:187)
                      at org.apache.tools.ant.launch.Launcher.run(Launcher.java:246)
                      at org.apache.tools.ant.launch.Launcher.main(Launcher.java:67)
                      Caused by: D:\work\java\jbpm.3\designer\jpdl\org.jbpm.gd.jpdl.build\build.xml:189: Warning: Could not find file D:\work\java\jbpm.3\designer
                      \jpdl\org.jbpm.gd.jpdl.build\target\workspace\N.3.0.12-SNAPSHOT\org.jbpm.gd.jpdl.feature-3.0.12-SNAPSHOT.zip to copy.
                      at org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.Copy.execute(Copy.java:394)
                      at org.apache.tools.ant.UnknownElement.execute(UnknownElement.java:275)
                      at org.apache.tools.ant.Task.perform(Task.java:364)
                      at org.apache.tools.ant.Target.execute(Target.java:341)
                      at org.apache.tools.ant.Target.performTasks(Target.java:369)
                      at org.apache.tools.ant.Project.executeSortedTargets(Project.java:1216)
                      at org.apache.tools.ant.helper.SingleCheckExecutor.executeTargets(SingleCheckExecutor.java:37)
                      at org.apache.tools.ant.Project.executeTargets(Project.java:1068)
                      at org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.Ant.execute(Ant.java:382)
                      ... 21 more
                      --- Nested Exception ---
                      D:\work\java\jbpm.3\designer\jpdl\org.jbpm.gd.jpdl.build\build.xml:189: Warning: Could not find file D:\work\java\jbpm.3\designer\jpdl\org.j
                      bpm.gd.jpdl.build\target\workspace\N.3.0.12-SNAPSHOT\org.jbpm.gd.jpdl.feature-3.0.12-SNAPSHOT.zip to copy.
                      at org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.Copy.execute(Copy.java:394)
                      at org.apache.tools.ant.UnknownElement.execute(UnknownElement.java:275)
                      at org.apache.tools.ant.Task.perform(Task.java:364)
                      at org.apache.tools.ant.Target.execute(Target.java:341)
                      at org.apache.tools.ant.Target.performTasks(Target.java:369)
                      at org.apache.tools.ant.Project.executeSortedTargets(Project.java:1216)
                      at org.apache.tools.ant.helper.SingleCheckExecutor.executeTargets(SingleCheckExecutor.java:37)
                      at org.apache.tools.ant.Project.executeTargets(Project.java:1068)
                      at org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.Ant.execute(Ant.java:382)
                      at org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.CallTarget.execute(CallTarget.java:107)
                      at org.apache.tools.ant.UnknownElement.execute(UnknownElement.java:275)
                      at org.apache.tools.ant.Task.perform(Task.java:364)
                      at org.apache.tools.ant.Target.execute(Target.java:341)
                      at org.apache.tools.ant.Target.performTasks(Target.java:369)
                      at org.apache.tools.ant.Project.executeSortedTargets(Project.java:1216)
                      at org.apache.tools.ant.helper.SingleCheckExecutor.executeTargets(SingleCheckExecutor.java:37)
                      at org.apache.tools.ant.Project.executeTargets(Project.java:1068)
                      at org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.Ant.execute(Ant.java:382)
                      at org.apache.tools.ant.UnknownElement.execute(UnknownElement.java:275)
                      at org.apache.tools.ant.Task.perform(Task.java:364)
                      at org.apache.tools.ant.Target.execute(Target.java:341)
                      at org.apache.tools.ant.Target.performTasks(Target.java:369)
                      at org.apache.tools.ant.Project.executeSortedTargets(Project.java:1216)
                      at org.apache.tools.ant.Project.executeTarget(Project.java:1185)
                      at org.apache.tools.ant.helper.DefaultExecutor.executeTargets(DefaultExecutor.java:40)
                      at org.apache.tools.ant.Project.executeTargets(Project.java:1068)
                      at org.apache.tools.ant.Main.runBuild(Main.java:668)
                      at org.apache.tools.ant.Main.startAnt(Main.java:187)
                      at org.apache.tools.ant.launch.Launcher.run(Launcher.java:246)
                      at org.apache.tools.ant.launch.Launcher.main(Launcher.java:67)

                      • 8. Re: docbook-support is missing


                        This is normally due to a previous error. Can you have a look at the complete log to see where this failure occurs and then post that exerpt?


                        • 9. Re: docbook-support is missing

                          Hi Koen,
                          I have uploaded all relevant files in my Yahoo space, since the traces are too long.
                          Here is the URL:

                          Thank you

                          • 10. Re: docbook-support is missing


                            This does not work for me. Please post the section of your debug build log file relevant to this part of the process :

                             [mkdir] Created dir: D:\work\java\jbpm.3\designer\jpdl\org.jbpm.gd.jpdl.build\target\workspace\features
                             [mkdir] Created dir: D:\work\java\jbpm.3\designer\jpdl\org.jbpm.gd.jpdl.build\target\workspace\plugins
                             [copy] Copying 4 files to D:\work\java\jbpm.3\designer\jpdl\org.jbpm.gd.jpdl.build\target\workspace\features\org.jbpm.gd.jpdl.feature
                             [copy] Copying 85 files to D:\work\java\jbpm.3\designer\jpdl\org.jbpm.gd.jpdl.build\target\workspace\plugins\org.jbpm.gd.jpdl.core
                             [copy] Copying 302 files to D:\work\java\jbpm.3\designer\jpdl\org.jbpm.gd.jpdl.build\target\workspace\plugins\org.jbpm.gd.jpdl.ui
                             [copy] Copying 7 files to D:\work\java\jbpm.3\designer\jpdl\org.jbpm.gd.jpdl.build\target\workspace\plugins\org.jbpm.gd.jpdl.help
                             [java] Buildfile: mainTargets.xml
                             [java] main:
                             [java] preBuild:
                             [java] preSetup:
                             [java] [echo] doing preSetup
                             [java] getMapFiles:
                             [java] [echo] doing getMapFiles
                             [java] [copy] Copying 1 file to D:\work\java\jbpm.3\designer\jpdl\org.jbpm.gd.jpdl.build\target\workspace\maps
                             [java] postSetup:
                             [java] [echo] doing postSetup
                             [java] fetch:
                             [java] generate:
                             [java] preGenerate:
                             [java] [echo] doing preGenerate
                             [java] [echo] baseLocation is d:/work/java/jbpm.3/eclipse
                             [java] allElements:
                             [java] init:
                             [java] generateScript:
                             [java] [eclipse.buildScript] Some inter-plug-in dependencies have not been satisfied.
                             [java] [eclipse.buildScript] Bundle org.jbpm.gd.jpdl.core:
                             [java] [eclipse.buildScript] Missing required plug-in org.eclipse.wst.xml.core_0.0.0.
                             [java] [eclipse.buildScript] Missing required plug-in org.eclipse.wst.sse.core_0.0.0.
                             [java] [eclipse.buildScript] Bundle org.jbpm.gd.jpdl.ui:
                             [java] [eclipse.buildScript] Missing required plug-in org.eclipse.draw2d_0.0.0.
                             [java] [eclipse.buildScript] Missing required plug-in org.eclipse.gef_0.0.0.
                             [java] [eclipse.buildScript] Missing required plug-in org.eclipse.wst.sse.core_0.0.0.
                             [java] [eclipse.buildScript] Missing required plug-in org.eclipse.wst.xml.core_0.0.0.
                             [java] [eclipse.buildScript] Missing required plug-in org.eclipse.wst.xml.ui_0.0.0.
                             [java] [eclipse.buildScript] Missing required plug-in org.eclipse.wst.sse.ui_0.0.0.
                             [java] [eclipse.buildScript] Missing required plug-in org.eclipse.wst.common.ui_0.0.0.
                             [java] [eclipse.buildScript] Missing required plug-in org.jbpm.gd.jpdl.core_0.0.0.
                             [java] BUILD FAILED
                             [java] D:\work\java\jbpm.3\designer\jpdl\org.jbpm.gd.jpdl.build\mainTargets.xml:23: The following error occurred while executing this line:
                             [java] D:\work\java\jbpm.3\designer\jpdl\org.jbpm.gd.jpdl.build\mainTargets.xml:63: The following error occurred while executing this line:
                             [java] D:\work\java\jbpm.3\designer\jpdl\org.jbpm.gd.jpdl.build\customTargets.xml:8: The following error occurred while executing this line:
                             [java] D:\work\java\jbpm.3\designer\jpdl\org.jbpm.gd.jpdl.build\genericTargets.xml:63: Unable to find plug-in: org.jbpm.gd.jpdl.ui_0.0.0. Please check the error log for more details.
                             [java] Total time: 2 seconds
                             [java] Java Result: 13

                            It seems that the buildfiles that you have uploaded do not match the same build.


                            • 11. Re: docbook-support is missing

                              Hi Koen,
                              I really do not understand what you mean.
                              The both txt files archived in JVPM withDEBUG.zip and JBPM.zip are generated from the very same console:

                              D:\work\java\jbpm.3\build>ant -debug -logfile D:/JBPMwithDEBUG.txt
                              Apache Ant version 1.6.5 compiled on June 2 2005
                              Buildfile: build.xml
                              D:\work\java\jbpm.3\build>echo %JAVA_HOME%
                              C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_04

                              Between two invocations I have executed ant clean
                              By analyzing detailed trace I found out that ${jbpm.root} is not set.
                              As suggested in readme file it has to be set before entries from build.properties are loaded.
                              I did that this time with verbose option.

                              D:\work\java\jbpm.3\build>ant -Djbpm.root=D:/work/java/jbpm.3 -verbose -logfile D:/JBPMwithVERBOSE.txt

                              The trace with the very same eror you can download at

                              Thank you & Regards

                              So, what else I could do to make it easier for you do identify the problem

                              • 12. Re: docbook-support is missing

                                Hi Milan,

                                The overall jBPM build contains a build for the GPD. Your error occurs during the execution of this build. the concerned target is: run-eclipse-plugin-builder. This target launches another build. Try to run this target with the ant debug option to provide more meaningful output.


                                • 13. Re: docbook-support is missing

                                  Hi Koen,
                                  here is what I did:

                                  went to:
                                  JBPM_ROOT\designer\jpdl\org.jbpm.gd.jpdl.build folder
                                  0. set java home
                                  1. executed ant clean
                                  2. executed ant -debug run-eclipse-plugin-builder

                                  the log file you can find here:

                                  Thank you & regards

                                  • 14. Re: docbook-support is missing

                                    Hi Milan,

                                    I think it is best to modify the build file so that run-eclipse-builder runs with debug options and then run the complete overall build.


                                    1 2 Previous Next