1 Reply Latest reply on Apr 18, 2008 7:53 AM by smilidon

    Internet Explorer 7 Cache Problem



      i have a DataTable where I add some rows. The table is reRendered, but if I call the URL to my jsf-page again, I only see the old table without the new rows. I have to reload the page(F5), than it is shown. I also got an exception

      javax.faces.application.ViewExpiredException viewId:/pages/vote.jsf - View /pages/vote.jsf could not be restored

      until I added


      This problem only occurs in IExplorer, Firefox is working fine. I'm really confused... i use a4j:poll to keep my session alive. The datatable is a bind to a request bean. If I change the browser configuration in "general"->"browser history"->"settings"->"every time i visit the webpage" it is working... but i cant tell that every user.

      Thanks in advance, regards
