5 Replies Latest reply on Apr 23, 2008 9:19 AM by kesare.balaji

    rich faces calendar


      <rich:calendar verticalOffset="0" buttonIcon="../../images/Links/Calendar.gif"
      direction="auto" inputSize="7"
      mode="client" preloadDateRangeBegin="10APR08" preloadDateRangeEnd="1JUN08" monthLabelsShort="JAN,FEB,MAR,APR,MAY,JUN,JUL,AUG,SEP,OCT,NOV,DEC"
      datePattern="ddMMMyy" style="text-decoration:underline;color:#990099;font-weight:bold;"
      showWeeksBar="false" popup="true" showInput="true" inputClass="required"
      weekDayLabelsShort="S,M,T,W,T,F,S" id="${id}" formName="${formName}"
      oninputkeydown="dateChange(event,${formName},'${id}')" enableManualInput="true">

      in this example i want to filter dates based on preloadDateRangeBegin and End , i set mode="client" this example work properly but data is not filterd any body have any idea plz share ...

        • 1. Re: rich faces calendar

          explain more carefully what do you mean under filter dates?

          • 2. Re: rich faces calendar

            means when i give
            preloadDateRangeBegin="10APR08" preloadDateRangeEnd="1JUN08"
            then i can select only dates between 10 april 2008 to 1 june 2008 other dates should be disabled

            • 3. Re: rich faces calendar

              why did you tells about some missing feature before attribute descriptions exploration? This attributes only tells which date region should access dataModel. Disablement - could be achieve via another attribute and js api.

              • 4. Re: rich faces calendar

                Hi Ilya!

                I am using version 3.1.4 and the JS API of rich:calendar component has no "disableDates" function. Is it required to enable dataModel to have that function working or something else? I am afraid there may be a function name change again, like in Expand()/Collapse() case. In that case, the develope's guide was telling about functions above, but in the richfaces-demo I found the real working names of those functions - doExpand()/doCollapse().

                Thank you in advance!

                • 5. Re: rich faces calendar

                  hi Ilya ,

                  I am not getting what u want to say me . can u tell me how to select only day's ( examle ) we want and other days to be disabled.