2 Replies Latest reply on Feb 26, 2007 4:50 PM by jboss.biancashouse.com

    Problem reg deployment


      I m working with jbpm.
      I m getting one problem while adding some script to the source code.
      while running the application in localhost,the following exception is coming
      when the controll goes to the particular defined Action.


      javax.servlet.ServletException: Error calling action method of component with id taskform:transitionButton

      root cause

      javax.faces.FacesException: Error calling action method of component with id taskform:transitionButton

      send me a reply ASAP


        • 1. Re: Problem reg deployment

          Here's the Oracle 9i ddl that you need:

          drop table jbp_forums_attachments cascade constraints;

          drop table jbp_forums_categories cascade constraints;

          drop table jbp_forums_forums cascade constraints;

          drop table jbp_forums_forumswatch cascade constraints;

          drop table jbp_forums_poll_option cascade constraints;

          drop table jbp_forums_poll_voted cascade constraints;

          drop table jbp_forums_polls cascade constraints;

          drop table jbp_forums_posters cascade constraints;

          drop table jbp_forums_posts cascade constraints;

          drop table jbp_forums_topics cascade constraints;

          drop table jbp_forums_topicswatch cascade constraints;

          drop table jbp_forums_watch cascade constraints;

          drop sequence hibernate_sequence;

          create table jbp_forums_attachments (
          jbp_attachment_id number(10,0) not null,
          jbp_comment varchar2(255 char),
          jbp_content_type varchar2(255 char),
          jbp_size number(19,0),
          jbp_name varchar2(255 char),
          jbp_content varchar2(4000 char),
          jbp_post_id number(10,0),
          primary key (jbp_attachment_id)

          create table jbp_forums_categories (
          jbp_id number(10,0) not null,
          jbp_order number(10,0),
          jbp_title varchar2(255 char),
          primary key (jbp_id)

          create table jbp_forums_forums (
          jbp_id number(10,0) not null,
          jbp_category_id number(10,0),
          jbp_description varchar2(255 char),
          jbp_name varchar2(255 char),
          jbp_order number(10,0),
          jbp_topic_count number(10,0),
          jbp_post_count number(10,0),
          jbp_status number(10,0),
          primary key (jbp_id)

          create table jbp_forums_forumswatch (
          jbp_id number(10,0) not null,
          jbp_forum_id number(10,0),
          primary key (jbp_id)

          create table jbp_forums_poll_option (
          jbp_poll_id number(10,0) not null,
          jbp_votes number(10,0) not null,
          jbp_question varchar2(255 char) not null,
          jbp_poll_option_position number(10,0) not null,
          primary key (jbp_poll_id, jbp_poll_option_position)

          create table jbp_forums_poll_voted (
          jbp_poll_id number(10,0) not null,
          jbp_poll_voted number(10,0) not null,
          primary key (jbp_poll_id, jbp_poll_voted)

          create table jbp_forums_polls (
          jbp_poll_id number(10,0) not null,
          jbp_title varchar2(255 char),
          jbp_length number(10,0),
          jbp_creation_date timestamp not null,
          primary key (jbp_poll_id)

          create table jbp_forums_posters (
          jbp_id number(10,0) not null,
          jbp_user_id varchar2(255 char) unique,
          jbp_post_count number(10,0),
          primary key (jbp_id)

          create table jbp_forums_posts (
          jbp_id number(10,0) not null,
          jbp_topic_id number(10,0),
          jbp_edit_count number(10,0),
          jbp_edit_date timestamp,
          jbp_create_date timestamp,
          jbp_subject varchar2(255 char),
          jbp_text varchar2(255 char),
          jbp_poster_id number(10,0),
          primary key (jbp_id)

          create table jbp_forums_topics (
          jbp_id number(10,0) not null,
          jbp_forum_id number(10,0),
          jbp_view_count number(10,0),
          jbp_replies number(10,0),
          jbp_last_post_date timestamp,
          jbp_poster number(10,0),
          jbp_type number(10,0),
          jbp_status number(10,0),
          jbp_subject varchar2(255 char),
          jbp_poll number(10,0),
          primary key (jbp_id)

          create table jbp_forums_topicswatch (
          jbp_id number(10,0) not null,
          jbp_topic_id number(10,0),
          primary key (jbp_id)

          create table jbp_forums_watch (
          jbp_id number(10,0) not null,
          jbp_poster_id number(10,0),
          jbp_mode number(10,0),
          primary key (jbp_id)

          alter table jbp_forums_attachments
          add constraint FKFE23F7CA14CDFE1A
          foreign key (jbp_post_id)
          references jbp_forums_posts;

          alter table jbp_forums_forums
          add constraint FK543743187E1ECA5A
          foreign key (jbp_category_id)
          references jbp_forums_categories;

          alter table jbp_forums_forumswatch
          add constraint FK3A89B0B776BE0BCA
          foreign key (jbp_id)
          references jbp_forums_watch;

          alter table jbp_forums_forumswatch
          add constraint FK3A89B0B77892A9BA
          foreign key (jbp_forum_id)
          references jbp_forums_forums;

          alter table jbp_forums_poll_option
          add constraint FKFF2EB50F8050E3A
          foreign key (jbp_poll_id)
          references jbp_forums_polls;

          alter table jbp_forums_poll_voted
          add constraint FK3A29E2E08050E3A
          foreign key (jbp_poll_id)
          references jbp_forums_polls;

          alter table jbp_forums_posts
          add constraint FKF2C0436DBFB64FFA
          foreign key (jbp_topic_id)
          references jbp_forums_topics;

          alter table jbp_forums_posts
          add constraint FKF2C0436D499BFC7A
          foreign key (jbp_poster_id)
          references jbp_forums_posters;

          alter table jbp_forums_topics
          add constraint FK6C1A04CA7892A9BA
          foreign key (jbp_forum_id)
          references jbp_forums_forums;

          alter table jbp_forums_topics
          add constraint FK6C1A04CA925A910C
          foreign key (jbp_poll)
          references jbp_forums_polls;

          alter table jbp_forums_topics
          add constraint FK6C1A04CA145469A8
          foreign key (jbp_poster)
          references jbp_forums_posters;

          alter table jbp_forums_topicswatch
          add constraint FK46F62E4576BE0BCA
          foreign key (jbp_id)
          references jbp_forums_watch;

          alter table jbp_forums_topicswatch
          add constraint FK46F62E45BFB64FFA
          foreign key (jbp_topic_id)
          references jbp_forums_topics;

          alter table jbp_forums_watch
          add constraint FKF31C8C69499BFC7A
          foreign key (jbp_poster_id)
          references jbp_forums_posters;

          create sequence hibernate_sequence;


          • 2. Re: Problem reg deployment

            Oops - replied to wrong question. Sorry.