1 Reply Latest reply on Oct 3, 2007 5:13 AM by olivier.ch

    deploy process using ant task (org.jbpm.ant.DeployParTask)



      i want to deploy a process using ant task, i use jbpm3.1.3 with jboss4.0.4GA, but i dont found the class org.jbpm.ant.DeployParTask
      where can i find it?
      i use the following task:

      <path id="classpath">
       <pathelement path="target/classes" />
       <fileset dir="D:/D/setups/jboss_jbpm/jbpm-starters-kit-3.1.3/jbpm-starters-kit-3.1.3/jbpm/lib" includes="**/*.jar" />
       <fileset dir="C:/apache-ant-1.6.5/lib" includes="**/*.jar" />
       <fileset dir="D:/D/setups/jboss_jbpm/jbpm-starters-kit-3.1.3/jbpm-starters-kit-3.1.3/jbpm/build" includes="**/*.jar" />
       <target name="deploy.par">
       <taskdef name="deploypar" classname="org.jbpm.ant.DeployParTask">
       <classpath refid="classpath" />
       <deploypar par="C:/deployProcess/testProcess.par" />

      think you