1 2 Previous Next 18 Replies Latest reply on Nov 11, 2010 7:32 AM by vcr



      Hi guys, i'm having a problem with start-states, i had looked at the docs but still i'm a bit confused.

      I tried to run this process, and i got nothing on user task list. when I removed the start-state (because I had read somewhere that wasn't mandatory), and still i hadn't nothing on the tasklist.

      Is start-state mandatory?

      Then I tried to keep start-state but with a task, and then it appears, but the user must set it as done, not quite the behavior that I was expecting.

      For my purpuse, state-state would be just a model representation, the first task on my user task list should be "inserir destinatario".

      But on jbpm examples, there's examples where exist start-states without task.

      I just wanna define a representative start state, where I don't put any action, and he just transitate to the next one.

      My process definition:

       <swimlane name="default">
       <assignment expression="user(grover)"></assignment>
       <task-node name="decidir o destinatario">
       <task name="inserir destinatario" swimlane="default">
       <variable name="destinatario" access="read,write,required"></variable>
       <variable name="tipo" access="read,write,required"></variable>
       <transition name="t erro" to="Escreve erro na consola">
       <condition>tipo != 'mail'</condition>
       <transition name="t mail" to="envia email">
       <condition>tipo== 'mail'</condition>
       <start-state name="start">
       <transition name="t start" to="decidir o destinatario"></transition>

      I'm creating the instance with:

      cmd = new NewProcessInstanceCommand();

      Could anyone clarify a bit this issue.

      Thanks in advance.

        • 1. Re: start-state

          Maybe you should signal to the process instance after creation to move from start state to first task node? Or try to add some actions to start-state, for example on node enter and perform signaling in it. But it is only in theory, i didn't use models without a task in start state.

          • 2. Re: start-state


            • 3. Re: start-state


              Maybe I am wrong, but I tested the node-enter behaviour on start-state and it seems, that this event is never executed:

               xmlns="" name="test5">
               <start-state name="start">
               <task name="task"></task>
               <event type="node-enter">
               <event type="node-leave">
               <transition name="" to="end1"></transition>
               <end-state name="end1"></end-state>

              I get only "NODE-LEAVE" output on my console. Is that correct?!?

              • 4. Re: start-state

                Seems that start-state doesn't have a node-enter event.

                For ricardomarques: maybe you should use StartProcessInstanceCommand instead NewProcessInstanceCommand with cmd.setCreateStartTask(false);

                • 5. Re: start-state

                  That's not really a good solution because you can't specify the behaviour by processdefinition.

                  While searching the source code i found:

                  public static final String[] supportedEventTypes = new String[]{

                  for start-state. So there really seems to be no ENTER event. But why? Anybody knows?

                  • 6. Re: start-state

                    You can use NewProcessInstanceCommand with createStartTask as true, if returned value will be null then you will know, that process doesn't contain a start task. Then you can use SignalCommand or some other one to move process from start state to first task node.

                    • 7. Re: start-state

                      Ok. Should work this way.

                      • 8. Re: start-state

                        The node enter event gets fired when the token enters a node. As for the start-state, the token never enters it. Rather the token is *positioned* in the start-state when the process starts executing. So the event you want to look at is the process-start event.
                        Btw. Performing a signal on the current token from an action handler is not a good practice. Action handlers that are configured on events should not try to modify the execution of the token.


                        • 9. Re: start-state


                          "koen.aers@jboss.com" wrote:
                          Performing a signal on the current token from an action handler is not a good practice.


                          You mean that to apply only to event-handling ActionHandlers, correct?

                          Node-execution ActionHandlers can signal, yes?

                          -Ed Staub

                          • 10. Re: start-state

                            Thank you for the hint! Process-Start-Event works fine.

                            Anyway, there seems to be no elegant way to skip the start-state except the programmatically
                            way that was mentioned by vtysh. And since there is no role assignment possible in start-state,
                            every workflow has to be signalled by initiator.

                            (Would be nice if there were a few more possibilites to use the start-state than now)

                            • 11. Re: start-state


                              "vtysh" wrote:
                              You can use NewProcessInstanceCommand with createStartTask as true, if returned value will be null then you will know, that process doesn't contain a start task. Then you can use SignalCommand or some other one to move process from start state to first task node.

                              i have take your idea and my my own Command based on NewProcessInstanceCommand to do this, this part is working now.

                              thanks for the feedback

                              • 12. Re: start-state

                                @ed: Yes, correct...

                                • 13. Re: start-state

                                  Node-execution ActionHandlers should typically not call signal() but leaveNode(). The differences are minor though, if I remember correctly signal() only wraps leaveNode() adding the before-signal and after-signal event handling. But normally these events should not be handled on the node level.


                                  • 14. Re: start-state

                                    As for skipping the start-state. You can start the process in any node from jPDL 3.2 on. Just do not model a start-state and add initial="true" as an attribute on the node (state, mail-node, process-state, etc) that you want to be the first node in the process-definition.


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