0 Replies Latest reply on Jul 31, 2007 8:39 AM by jeanguyer

    Help to design a process + API call : Dynamic Task



      I have a process to design , it's an approval process :

      A person ask to close/delete a business entity in the database. Depend on the nature of the entity , we extract N person (it can be 1 2 3 4 , etc).

      Each person will receive a Task Assignment at the same time (like a fork) : they must approve or reject.
      If one of them , reject , the others assignment will be deleted , and a message will be sent to the initial asker. If everyone approve , the entity is deleted and a message is sent to all of them (asker and approvers)

      Each process instance must have the same process definition (for stats purpose).

      I have look a little and i have found getTaskMgmtInstance().addTaskInstance

      Obviously a dynamic Task must be linked to a Tasknode for later more complex process.

      Sorry for the bad english.
      Hope to have a answer soon :)

      Best Regards,
      Jean Guyer