7 Replies Latest reply on Sep 25, 2007 4:31 AM by kukeltje

    Evaluating jBPM : compliance with workflow patterns



      i'm currenty evaluating jBPM for my company (40 000 people).

      jBPM overview tells us :

      "One piece of research is especially valuable - Workflow Patterns. Prof. Wil van der Aalst has created a catalogue of workflow patterns analogue with the design patterns by the 'Gang of Four'. These patterns are a organised set of concepts that are distilled from the study of a wide range of commercial workflow products. JBoss jBPM's internal model is created with these workflow patterns in mind. "

      That's fine !!!
      But which patterns are supported ???

      Here is my checklist :

      Control flow pattern :

      Parralel Split
      Exclusive choice
      Simple Merge
      Multi Choice
      Synchronizing Merge
      N-out-of-M Join
      Arbitrary cycles
      Implicit Termination
      Multiple instances without synchronization
      Multiple instances with a Priori Design Time knowledge
      Multiple instances with a Priori Run Time knowledge
      Multiple instances without a Priori Run Time knowledge
      Deferred Choice
      Interleaved Parallel Routing
      Cancel Activity
      Cancel Case

      Resouce creation pattern :

      Direct Allocation
      Role-Based Allocation
      Deferred Allocation
      Separation of Duties
      Case Handling
      Retain familiar
      Capablity-Based Allocation
      History-Based Allocation
      Organisational Allocation
      Automatic Execution

      Visibility patterns :

      Configurable Unallocated Work Item Visibility
      Configurable Allocated Work Item Visibility

      It would be fine if jBPM Overview displays a matrix with patterns and jBPM compliance. (Bonita does ...)

      Thanks a lot !