1 2 Previous Next 15 Replies Latest reply on Nov 18, 2007 4:19 AM by fabianw




      With the last designer sp1, the transition button is generated
      like this :

      <tf:transitionButton to="Deny" value="Refuse"/>

      In the past version, the transition button was generated like
      this :
      <tf:transitionButton transition="Deny" value="Refuse"/>

      It doesnot work with the new version( "to" attribute ). The same transition
      is always taken. But if i replace with "to" by "transition", it works again.

        • 1. Re: transitionButton

          please file a jira issue for this... btw, what version of the engine/webconsole are you using?

          • 2. Re: transitionButton

            I have exactly the same problem, but changing "to" to "transition" didn't change anything for me. The first transition is always taken no matter what i click, unless i signal the right transition directly at the jbpm console.

            Task-Node looks like this:

            <task-node name="Ueberpruefe Rechnung">
             <task name="ueberpruefeRechnung">
             <assignment actor-id="user"></assignment>
             <transition name="ueberweisen" to="Berechne Skonto"></transition>
             <transition name="reklamieren" to="Reklamiere Rechnung"></transition>

            and the buttons:
            <tf:transitionButton transition="ueberweisen" value="Ueberweisen"/>
            <tf:transitionButton transition="reklamieren" value="Reklamieren"/>

            I'm really sure I had this working once...
            What could be the problem?

            • 3. Re: transitionButton

              It was a change in the webconsole AFAIK and not in the designer, or else it must be a regression. The issue is fixed in HEAD.


              • 4. Re: transitionButton

                I use the jBPM version which is integrated into JBoss ESB. Neither do I know which version that is, nor do I know how to update it.
                So where can I get this fixed version and how can I use it?

                • 5. Re: transitionButton

                  FabianW: Is it that you talked about?

                  • 6. Re: transitionButton

                    Yes, that seems to be the problem.
                    At step 9 after clicking 'More Infor Needed' I get an exception with the following cause:
                    java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: Bad version number in .class file

                    Don't know what's this again....

                    But when I take a look at the process image it really went down the 'ok' transition.

                    1) what to do with this .patch file?
                    2) the page claims that this is fixed with 3.2.2, but that's the version I'm using. At least the version I configured as runtime location in RHDS is 3.2.2.
                    I'm ab bit confused. How is this runtime linked with the jBPM runtime that is integrated into the JBoss ESB?

                    • 7. Re: transitionButton

                      UnsupportedClassVersionError it is a jre related problem. How i know for the jbpm web application you need to use at least java 1.5.
                      About first question, this patch patches org/jbpm/jsf/taskform/ui/UITaskFormTransitionButton java file, you can get latest version from http://fisheye.jboss.com/browse/JBPM/jbpm.3/jbpm4jsf/src/main/java/org/jbpm/jsf/taskform/ui/UITaskFormTransitionButton.java
                      About second - don't know anything about it

                      • 8. Re: transitionButton

                        I use JRE 1.5.0_06 because this is the supported version of Jboss ESB.

                        How can I use this file? I think I have to compile my own jBPM version, but I have really no idea how to do it. I don't even know how I could use this version in the ESB.

                        Any help would be great! This destroys my whole process :(

                        • 9. Re: transitionButton

                          FabianW: You can use Eclipse, just create new project, add jbpm4jsf.jar and jsf libs to classpath.
                          About UnsupportedClassVersionError possibly you have duplicates of some classes in classpath.

                          • 10. Re: transitionButton

                            I'll try this tomorrow. First I have to check out how to get the files from the CVS

                            • 11. Re: transitionButton

                              I think the compiler in eclipse is configured with Java 6 and your
                              jboss runs with java 5.

                              • 12. Re: transitionButton

                                I'm sorry, I'm somehow too stupid to check out the CVS. I use TortoiseCVS and when I want to configure the jbpm-cvs I get this error:

                                Empty password used - try 'cvs login' with a real password
                                cvs [server aborted]: "import" requires write access to the repository

                                Could anybody be so nice and provide this file to me?

                                • 13. Re: transitionButton

                                  I downloaded the file from here: http://repository.jboss.com/jbpm/jpdl/3.2.2/lib/
                                  I hope this is the right version, but at least it seemed to be newer than my version.

                                  But now I'm a bit unclear how to use this library. I included it in my eclipse project, but as I am building with Ant, I don't think that helps.
                                  Anyway the jar is in my .esb archive and I also deployed it together with my process through the process designer.
                                  Shouldn't this work? Or what else do I have to do? It's still the first transition which is taken no matter which button I click...

                                  • 14. Re: transitionButton

                                    I don't know anything about technologies which you are using, but i think that you should find jbpm4jsf.jar in your web application or application server and update it to newer version which you downloaded from repository.

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