2 Replies Latest reply on Oct 22, 2007 10:18 PM by mingyuan

    Can you add hibernate search into jbpm.


      Enable searching for TaskInstance and ProcessInstance by VariableInstance and log.

        • 1. Re: Can you add hibernate search into jbpm.

          ??? searching for variable instance and log is independent from using hibernate search or not. Unless you want full text search in the variable values. In that case I think you have to much of your domain model IN jBPM.

          Pesonally I store only very limited amounts of my domain model in jBPM. Only info needed to steer the process.

          • 2. Re: Can you add hibernate search into jbpm.

            If I want to search the task instance and process instance by the business variables, but I worry about the performance of searching the VariableInstances table by the business variables. You advise I have to store very limited amounts of my domain model, but the process instance become more and more, then the VariableInstance table's size will be bigger.