1 Reply Latest reply on Nov 26, 2007 12:42 PM by kukeltje

    evaluation question: changing a running process and undo fun



      I am currently evaluating jbpm as a process workflow engine for a custom workflow involving many actors and actions.

      my specific questions are:
      a) Is it possible to change the process definition of a currently running process? If I re-deploy a process that has already started, what are the implications for a currently running process if i) a new task is added BEFORE the current node OR ii) a new task/action is added AFTER the current node

      b) Is it possible to do a multiple 'Undo' function to roll-back to a certain point in the process (say, for example, if a mistake occurred in input earlier in the process)

      c) Are there any examples of jbpm being used in the real-world scenarios?

      d) Is it possible to accept input BY-REPLY i.e. from an email reply, if, for example, input is required from an actor. As I understand it, this would require some custom action code to parse an incoming email, use some kind of messaging system, then consume a JMS and update the process accordingly. I don't want to re-invent the wheel here!

      Any replies to these queries would be most gratefully recieved.

      Many thanks.

      Nic Hemley

        • 1. Re: evaluation question: changing a running process and undo

          a) It is possible but often it is adviced to be cautious. Search the forum and the wiki for some hints/tips and also read the docs. The impac totally depends on the processdefinition, how complex it is, what states running processes are in etc...

          b) not at the moment afaik

          c) What do you want to know? complete usecases of big companies?

          d) No, but maybe by using jboss esb it will be fairly easy to do