9 Replies Latest reply on Apr 21, 2008 2:44 AM by koen.aers



      Hi guys,

      I am looking for alternatives for eclipse / JBoss IDE.
      Is it e. g. possible to designe jPDL with netbeans or something else?

      Thanks for help,

        • 1. Re: jPDL-Designer

          No, sorry

          • 2. Re: jPDL-Designer

            Thanks for your answer!

            • 3. Re: jPDL-Designer

              Hey Tina,

              Interested in writing and contributing a Netbeans or IDEA plugin for jPDL? ;-)
              Seriously, we simply don't have the resources to spread our efforts over multibple platforms. But if anyone of the community would do such an effort, we would be happy to endorse and support it.


              • 4. Re: jPDL-Designer

                Why are you looking for alternatives?
                Do you just not like Eclipse in general, or is there something specific about the JPDL designer, or...
                -Ed Staub

                • 5. Re: jPDL-Designer

                  Hi there,

                  no, I like to use Eclipse. I was just looking for an alternative IDE to compare them.

                  Regards, Tina

                  • 6. Re: jPDL-Designer

                    Another project that might be interesting would be to make a version of the eclipse IDE that is exclusively targeted towards the jpdl-designer tool.

                    In other words to strip off all other eclipse menus and perspectives except for the frames solely focused on jpdl designer functionality.

                    I'm thinking of a user that may not be a java developer and how to customize the jpdl designer for that user.

                    • 7. Re: jPDL-Designer

                      that has been the idea from the beginning.... care to help out?

                      • 8. Re: jPDL-Designer

                        I would like to help if I can. I'm trying to understand the scope of effort. I posted some questions on the eclipse.platform.rcp forum. My question was regarding how to get started in an effort to remove functionality and menus from eclipse. Was hoping that might be easier than creating a new plugin. I received the following advice:

                        "I've never seen anyone get a lot of help with un-contributing contributions through non-API approaches and that's where you're headed. Having been there with things other than the jBPM Designer I would tell you:

                        Run away. It is a suicide mission. The jBPM Designer contributes to the Eclipse SDK and uses EMF, GEF, DTP, and WTP. Odds are that the 'eclipse functionality' you want to remove is defined in Eclipse's own internal Java code. The side effects of changing those types of things have side effects. Even if what you want to remove is contributed declaratively in plugin.xml or manifest files you're asking for trouble with the rest of the component stack. Eclipse 3.4 is due in June. A new jBPM Designer will probably not be too far behind and you'll be back at square one."

                        • 9. Re: jPDL-Designer


                          Yes, I saw that advice...

                          But AFAIK there are definitely possibilities. You can use a concept called capabilities in Eclipse that can be used to remove functionality. But I don't know enough of it to give you decent pointers. If you find anything and care to share, be our guest.
