1 2 Previous Next 15 Replies Latest reply on Jan 23, 2009 4:58 AM by kukeltje

    Attaching files



      I want to create a form in which i have the option of attaching a file. For eg, there is a 'Browse' button which opens a pop up window to browse for a file. Then there is a upload button which will upload the file to the server. Is there any way to implement this?

        • 1. Re: Attaching files

          I actually did this a few days ago. The real difficulty I found was trying to include a

          <h:form enctype="multipart/form-data">...</h:form>
          inside the
          . So I created an upload page, uploadFile.xhtml and placed it in the sa directory along with all the other .xhtml files.

          I then passed the parameters along in the url with
          <f:param name="" value=""/>

          So for example if I need to upload a document in one of the process task forms, I will put in the following
          <h:outputLink value="uploadFile.jsf" target="top" style="#{view.viewId == 'uploadFile.xhtml' ? 'font-weight:bold' : ''}">
          <f:param name="id" value="#{var['piID']}"/>
          <f:param name="ppFileName" value="Pretty print file name for display on the upload page"/>
          <f:param name="fileVar" value="processInstanceVariableToSaveUnder"/>
          <f:param name="fileName" value="The name that you want to save the file under"/>
          <h:outputText value="Click here to upload"/>

          The upload page looks like the following
          <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
          <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
           <ui:define name="actions">
           <ga:parameter name="id" target="#{piID}" required="true"/>
           <ga:parameter name="ppFileName" target="#{ppFileName}" required="true"/>
           <ga:parameter name="fileVar" target="#{fileVar}" required="true"/>
           <ga:parameter name="fileName" target="#{fileName}" required="true"/>
           <j4j:createUploadFile piID="#{piID}" ppFileName="#{ppFileName}" fileVar="#{fileVar}" fileName="#{fileName}" target="#{files}"/>
           <gd:repeat value="#{files}" var="file" idVar="rid">
           <h:form enctype="multipart/form-data">
           <th colspan="2">Upload
           <h:outputText value=" #{file.ppFileName} File"/>
           <tbody class="results">
           <gd:inputFile target="#{stream}" maxSize="104857600"/>
           <td style="text-align:right;">
           <h:commandButton value="Upload #{file.ppFileName}">
           <j4j:uploadFile archive="#{stream}" piID="#{file.piID}" fileVar="#{file.fileVar}" fileName="#{file.fileName}"/>
           <n:nav outcome="success" url="formSubmitted.jsf" storeMessages="true"/>
           <n:nav outcome="error" redirect="true" storeMessages="true"/>

          I found that I couldn't pass the values straight into the form so I created an object containing the piID, ppFileName, etc. information. But this still didn't work and only seemed to work when I made it a list with only one element in it and pass it in through a loop. Maybe there's a less convuluted way of doing it, but I wasn't smart enough to find out how.

          In your upload file actionListener, all you have to do is to grab the InputStream and then write it out to a FileOutputStream that points to the filename you saved it under. You can actually refer to the JBPM team's DeployProcessActionListener.java code.

          Hope that helps


          • 2. Re: Attaching files

            I have tried doing exactly the same. But, I am getting the following error.

            javax.servlet.ServletException: /sa/uploadFile.xhtml @20,131 <j4j:createUploadFile> Tag Library supports namespace: http://jbpm.org/jbpm4jsf/core, but no tag was defined for name: createUploadFile

            Can you help me in this?

            • 3. Re: Attaching files


              I think you need to develop the createUploadFile tag and package it as part of the jbpm4jsf-14.jar

              First you need the source code for org.jbpm.jsf.core.CoreLibrary.java and add the following line in there

              addTagHandler("createUploadFile", CreateUploadFileHandler.class);
              . Then create org.jbpm.jsf.core.handler.CreateUploadFileHandler.java as which calls org.jbpm.jsf.core.action.CreateUploadFileActionListener.java

              You can base your implementation on the Jbpm team's code, they are pretty straight forward.

              Make sure you return a
              - with only one object in it, where UploadFileDAO.java is just a trivial Data Access Object that only contains the attributes I mentioned, such as piID, fileVar and fileName, a constructor and a bunch of getters/setters.

              Hope that helps


              • 4. Re: Attaching files


                I'm stuck, in the part where you talk about modify CoreLibrary.java inside jbpm4jsf-14.jar, where can I get the sources of this jar file?

                david_ling please help me.

                Thank you in advance

                • 5. Re: Attaching files

                  Some people say that is not recomended to modify jbpm4jsf-14.jar, or any component of the jbpm console,

                  does anybody found another way to do this task?


                  • 6. Re: Attaching files

                    yes, by just using e.g. richfaces and storing the file in your domain model, not the engine

                    • 7. Re: Attaching files

                      Thank you kukeltje for your answer ;)[/img]

                      • 8. Re: Attaching files


                        "johnnyright" wrote:
                        Thank you kukeltje for your answer ;)[/img]

                        Were you able to use rich faces..Please guide me on this. I am unable to deploy the jbpm-console.war after adding rich faces libs..

                        • 9. Re: Attaching files

                          I do not adapt the jbpm-console. I leave that as is and use it what it is good for, admin purposes. For normal usage I developed my own webapp.

                          • 10. Re: Attaching files


                            "kukeltje" wrote:
                            I do not adapt the jbpm-console. I leave that as is and use it what it is good for, admin purposes. For normal usage I developed my own webapp.

                            So in effect its a complete web application which allows you to start and run a workflow...
                            Will that be possible to share some parts of the code..

                            • 11. Re: Attaching files

                              uhhmmm..... I you seam... lots of examples there...

                              • 12. Re: Attaching files

                                you = use

                                • 13. Re: Attaching files


                                  "kukeltje" wrote:
                                  you = use

                                  Can you provide some links if possible. Thanks for the inputs

                                  • 14. Re: Attaching files


                                    "kukeltje" wrote:
                                    you = use

                                    Can you provide some links if possible. Thanks for the inputs

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