2 Replies Latest reply on Feb 12, 2009 3:21 PM by elifarley

    Dynamically creating task  * nodes * for each group of actor


      Consider the following pseudo code:

      // List whose elements are arrays of actor ids.
      // Its contents are not known in advance
      List<String[]> listOfArrays = { {"actor-A", "actor-B"}, {"actor-C", "actor-D"} };
      for (String[] actorIds : listOfArrays ) {
       ! create a task-node assigned to all actors in actorIds;
       ! wait until any of those actors completes his/her task by selecting either YES or NO;
       ! If the actor selected "NO", abort. Otherwise, continue.

      Example of execution:

      List<String[]> listOfArrays = { {"actor-A", "actor-B"}, {"actor-C", "actor-D"} };
      ! create task node assigned to {"actor-A", "actor-B"};
      ! wait for the task to be completed by either actor;
      (Suppose actor selected "YES")
      ! create task node assigned to {"actor-C", "actor-D"};
      ! wait for the task to be completed by either actor;
      (Suppose actor selected "YES")
      ! Done.

      What would be the best way to implement this with jBPM ?

      Maybe there's a way of achieving the same goal without creating task nodes...

      Thanks for any ideas you may have.

        • 1. Clarification

          Let me clarify the last post with an imaginary use case (close to the real one).

          A node in my workflow loads a text file describing stages through which an order request must pass in order to be approved:

          actor-A, actor-B;
          actor-C, actor-D, actor-E;

          Each order request has its associated text file (otherwise I could simply design a fixed workflow with the appropriate task nodes).

          For each line, a task should be assigned to the group of actors listed on that line.

          I tried to parse the text file and create a transient, dynamic process definition based on it, so that I could persist it, call it using a process-state node, and then purge it from the database - all from the same master process.

          Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to work like that.

          I'll try to create this transient process definition and post a JMS message to be later processed. At least it sounds more promising...

          • 2. [SOLVED]

            There's no need to create one task node for each line of the input file.

            I've created only one task node and a decision node pointing to each other in a loop. They've allowed me to iterate through each input line, reusing the single task node.
