0 Replies Latest reply on Feb 23, 2009 1:34 PM by mpardo

    Custom Context Definition

      Issue #1

      We would need to add some information to the jbpm s <process definition> (at definition moment).

      More specifically, we need to specify feasible reasons for each transition from a task node (for example, in a transition called , we would need to indicate the feasible reasons for that cancellation: <incorrect customer>, <incorrect order number>, etc.). All the above at definition moment.

      One possible solution might be creating a (which inherits from ContextDefinition) that creates a context instance with a set of variables given by the custom context definition.

      In order to make the context definition configurable, we would use an xml file.

      Do you think that this solution is adequate or there is a built-in mechanism offered by jbpm to the same thing in a cleaner way?

      Issue #2

      Does jbpm log each update to a variable of the context instance? How or where it does that?