2 Replies Latest reply on May 19, 2008 12:56 PM by j-pro

    rich:messages in rich:tabs freeze rich:modalPanel ??


      Good afternoon, dear RF developers.

      I've faced one serious problem and can not determine what's the reason of its appearance. Please, help me with that, because you possibly could see a lot more, just as developers.

      I have a page with personal data of an employee. It's divided by rich:tabs with some forms in each. Here is the code of this page: http://pastebin.com/m742ee28e (pasted for a month)

      The trouble appears in 3 tabs only: Attestations, Trainings, Inventories. Any other tab works fine in any conditions. The trouble is: when I fill the input fields and press submit button, validation goes fine(the mandatory data is not empty), even the record is added and shown(dataTable reRendered), but the rich:modalPanel doesn't disappear. (As you see from the code, I have rich:modalPanel shown on every AJAX request)
      The same happens if validation is NOT passed(when every field is empty) - the panel still hangs up. Here is my screenshot with empty fields and validation errors: http://img59.imageshack.us/img59/482/traininghangupdy3.png

      I've made some experiments which showed very strange results:

      1. Without ANY of these 3 tabs(if remove it's code completely from <rich:tab> till </rich:tab>), everything goes just fine: validation isn't passed and modal panel disappears. Here is my screenshot without the Attestations tab: http://img215.imageshack.us/img215/9208/trainingattestationgooduc3.png

      2. Without FIRST rich:message block(after h:inputText) in Inventories tab, everything is fine in Trainings and Attestations tab, but no validation is done in Inventories tab(as you see on the screenshot) - always this green check displayed after I press the button. (screen: http://img217.imageshack.us/img217/2040/inventoriesnothing1stmezj7.png)

      3. Without FIRST rich:message block(for h:inputText) in Trainings tab, everything is fine in Inventories and Attestations tab, BUT the modal panel hangs up in Trainings tab!

      4, 5 - the same(respectively) with SECOND rich:message blocks(for rich:calendar), so it's no matter which rich:message I remove.

      6, 7 - if I remove first or second rich:message from Attestations tab, everything is just as at p.3(validation works fine in all tabs, but the modal panel hangs up in Attestations tab)

      And for sure in all cases the message appears in server log:

      19:54:39,354 INFO [lifecycle] WARNING: FacesMessage(s) have been enqueued, but may not have been displayed.
      sourceId=attestationsTab_editForm:attestationNameEdit[severity=(ERROR 2), summary=(empty), detail=(empty)]
      , which has no links with the problem and is clear to me as: there were no space where the error could have been shown.

      Here is the problem description. The tabs Trainings and Inventories are copypasted and changed Attestations tab. Just to save time. And the first thing that I thought about as the reason of this problem was - the same IDs in some components. But I checked it - everything is different.
      I've played with it for the second day and can't solve it. I hope that you will help me.

      Thank you very much in advance!

      P.S.: I use JSF 1.2_08, Facelets 1.1.13, jboss-4.2.2.GA. The problem appears in RF versions 3.2.0 and 3.2.1 SNAPSHOT.