1 Reply Latest reply on Jun 26, 2009 6:02 PM by kukeltje

    jbpm-4.0.CR1 can be used already or is only for testing???

      Many of the examples only work when you run them with JUNIT and are excluded from the ANT file. So CR1 is only for testing for now???

       <jar destfile="${jbpm.home}/examples/target/examples.bar">
       <fileset dir="${jbpm.home}/examples/src">
       <include name="**/*.jpdl.xml" />
       <exclude name="org/jbpm/examples/task/swimlane/process.jpdl.xml" />
       <exclude name="org/jbpm/examples/task/candidates/process.jpdl.xml" />
       <exclude name="org/jbpm/examples/concurrency/graphbased/process.jpdl.xml" />
       <exclude name="org/jbpm/examples/timer/repeat/process.jpdl.xml" />
       <exclude name="org/jbpm/examples/script/text/process.jpdl.xml" />
       <exclude name="org/jbpm/examples/decision/handler/process.jpdl.xml" />
       <exclude name="org/jbpm/examples/mail/template/process.jpdl.xml" />
       <exclude name="org/jbpm/examples/script/expression/process.jpdl.xml" />
       <exclude name="org/jbpm/examples/task/assignee/process.jpdl.xml" />
       <exclude name="org/jbpm/examples/mail/inline/process.jpdl.xml" />
       <exclude name="org/jbpm/examples/mail/template/process.jpdl.xml" />
       <exclude name="org/jbpm/examples/eventlistener/process.jpdl.xml" />
       <exclude name="org/jbpm/examples/timer/event/process.jpdl.xml" />
       <exclude name="org/jbpm/examples/task/assignmenthandler/process.jpdl.xml" />
       <exclude name="org/jbpm/examples/java/JavaInstantiateTest.java" />

        • 1. Re: jbpm-4.0.CR1 can be used already or is only for testing?

          CR1 means ' candidate release' so in a way it is not meant for production. That some of the tests only run from junit tests is not strange. These tests not require ui interaction so there is no real reason to deploy and run them from the console (you would not see anything). That does not mean however that if you combine functionality from these tests, it should not work. If these separate tests run from junit, it means they run on the engine and hence are correct.