3 Replies Latest reply on May 28, 2008 10:13 AM by janson12

    calendar days not selectable after reRender in FF

      I'm facing following behaviour: I've bound the disabled-attribute of the rich:calendar to a backing bean. As soon as the user selects a specific item from a selectOneMenu the disabled-values are changed and the calendar is reRendered (with disabled=false). This works fine in IE (believe it or not ;) however in FF I can't select the days after the calendar pops up. Any suggestions / work-arounds?

        • 1. Re: calendar days not selectable after reRender in FF

          paste your code snippet please. Also versions information required.

          • 2. Re: calendar days not selectable after reRender in FF

            Thanks for replying! I'm using RF 3.2.0. and my code is as follwing:

            <h:panelGrid columns="3">
             <h:selectOneMenu value="#{BillingBean.timeRange}"
             <f:selectItems value="#{BillingBean.searchDateList}"/>
             <a4j:commandButton id="hiddenDropDownListener"
             reRender="calendar1, calendar2" style="visibility: hidden"
             action="#{BillingBean.changeCalenderState}" />
            <h:panelGrid columns="5">
             <h:outputText value="#{billing_msg.date_from}"
             <rich:calendar id="calendar1" value="#{BillingBean.fromDate}"
             disabled="#{BillingBean.calendarState}" inputSize="11"
             <h:outputText value="#{billing_msg.date_to}"
             <rich:calendar id="calendar2" value="#{BillingBean.toDate}"
             disabled="#{BillingBean.calendarState}" inputSize="11"

            In FF 2 only control elements in the calendar header (e.g. close and month) are selectable.

            • 3. Re: calendar days not selectable after reRender in FF

              calendar is now selectable. previous described behaviour seems to have come from using rich:panel and div on one page, at least it disappeared after removing the div. now i'm facing the problem that my calendar is cut off at the point where it pops over another panel as reported here: http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/RF-2486 ...