1 Reply Latest reply on Oct 12, 2009 8:58 AM by sebastian.s

    jbpm 4.1 - How to get currentE

      If I start process using jbpm-console and want to get current executionService in one of my tasks (java task ), what is way to get it in jbpm 4.1
      To provide external trigger using API for wait state in process definition , I need ExecutionService. Then I can use executionService.signalExecutionById(exectionID);


        • 1. Re: jbpm 4.1 - How to get currentE

          I am not sure but I suppose you could look it up via JNDI if you are running on JBoss AS. On Tomcat you might use

          ProcessEngine processEngine = Configuration.getProcessEngine();

          Question to the more advanced ones: This should not build a new one but rather return the current instance right?

          Afterwards you should be able to get the executionService by


          There might be limits to the java tasks which I don't know about. So it could be that you would need to use a custom task.
