1 Reply Latest reply on Oct 15, 2009 1:44 AM by crazyworld

    History information is not retried in sequence in  JBPM 3.2.


      I am using JBPM 3.2.x Here when i fetch the log information using
      public Map findLogsByProcessInstance(long processInstanceId) {...} method
      i am able to retrieve the ProcessLogs but the List of Proces Logs doesnt maintains proper sequnce as the logs are created in Database.

      In documentation its given

      The map will associate a List of ProcessLogs with every Token in the process instance. The list will contain the ProcessLogs in the same ordered as they were created.


      Is this a Bug!. Also jbpmConfiguration.createJbpmContext().getLoggingSession().findLogsByProcessInstance(processInstanceId);

      It takes around one minute to fetch the log for first time !!