2 Replies Latest reply on Nov 9, 2009 4:45 PM by matrixpooh

    Programmatic task execution reopens the task


      My sub-process definition consists of 3 sequential task nodes: start, task 1, task2, task3, end. At some point in the main process, I instantiate the sub-process. Later on, I retrieve the sub-process by id and trigger execution of the first task. The task successfully executes and
      * falls down to initializeTaskVariables() of the task 2.
      * commits task 1
      * calls initializeTaskVariables() of task 1
      * completes the token execution.

      At the end of the run, the subprocess has 2 active tasks: a brand new task 1 and task 2. Repeating the call twice, I end up with all 3 tasks being successfully processed and 3 new tasks being created and pending in users' queue.

      I observe the same problem running a much simpler case: a process definiton with 1 split, 2 tasks, 1 join. Seems that any programmatic execution of a task causes its execution followed by immediate instantiation of the same task.

      I would appreciate if you could point out what I'm doing wrong

      Here's the code snippet from main process instance:

      final ProcessInstance subProcessInstance = ctx.getJbpmContext()
      ExecutionContext subprocessContext = new ExecutionContext(subProcessInstance.getRootToken());

      This is debug output:

      11:24:20,078 WARN |main|: [ProxyWarnLog:narrowProxy:615] Narrowing proxy to class org.jbpm.graph.node.TaskNode - this operation breaks ==
      11:24:20,093 DEBUG|main|: [CompleteAnalystTasksController:initializeTaskVariables:42] -------------current node::Perform Analyst task 1
      11:24:20,093 DEBUG|main|: [GraphElement:fireEvent:179] event 'task-end' on Task(Perform Analyst task 1) for Token(/)
      11:24:20,093 DEBUG|main|: [CompleteAnalystTasksController:submitTaskVariables:52] -------------current node::Perform Analyst task 1


      11:24:20,968 WARN |main|: [ProxyWarnLog:narrowProxy:615] Narrowing proxy to class org.jbpm.graph.node.TaskNode - this operation breaks ==
      11:24:20,984 DEBUG|main|: [CompleteAnalystTasksController:initializeTaskVariables:42] -------------current node::Perform Analyst task 2
      11:24:20,984 DEBUG|main|: [GraphElement:fireEvent:179] event 'task-create' on Task(Perform Analyst task 2) for Token(/)
      11:24:21,000 DEBUG|main|: [TaskInstance:setActorId:258] assigning task 'Perform Analyst task 2' to 'analyst'
      11:24:21,000 DEBUG|main|: [GraphElement:fireEvent:179] event 'task-assign' on Task(Perform Analyst task 2) for Token(/)
      11:24:21,000 DEBUG|main|: [GraphElement:fireEvent:179] event 'after-signal' on TaskNode(Perform Task 1) for Token(/)
      11:24:21,000 DEBUG|main|: [GraphElement:fireEvent:179] event 'task-create' on Task(Perform Analyst task 1) for Token(/)
      11:24:21,015 DEBUG|main|: [TaskInstance:setActorId:258] assigning task 'Perform Analyst task 1' to 'analyst'
      11:24:21,015 DEBUG|main|: [GraphElement:fireEvent:179] event 'task-assign' on Task(Perform Analyst task 1) for Token(/)

      11:24:21,015 DEBUG|main|: [RecordCriterionChangeHandler:execute:66] ------------------Subprocess current Node After Call::TaskNode(Perform Task 2)

        • 1. Re: Programmatic task execution reopens the task

          You can try the code below and check if it works.

          ProcessInstance subProcessInstance = ctx.getJbpmContext() .getProcessInstanceForUpdate(subprocessInstanceId);
          //get the task management instance of the process instance
          TaskMgmtInstance taskManagementInstance = subProcessInstance.getTaskMgmtInstance();
          //find the unfinished tasks
          Collection<TaskInstance> taskInstances = taskManagementInstance.getUnfinishedTasks(subProcessInstance.getRootToken());
          //get the task instance of your interest
          TaskInstance taskInstance = /*Some how find out the TaskInstance that we should be executing from taskInstances collection */;
          //finish the TaskInstance

          If you can provide the Jpdl snippet that creates problem, and few more lines of your code then that will be helpful to debug the problem with you code.

          • 2. Re: Programmatic task execution reopens the task


            Thanks so much - it worked like a charm.