0 Replies Latest reply on May 26, 2008 8:57 AM by manoz82

    <rich:dropDownMenu> and back button

      Hello everyone!
      I was wondering if someone can help me with this problem I have with <rich:dropDownMenu> and back button. On a page with table of educational institutions (<h:dataTable>) I have <rich:dropDownMenu> component in each row of that table. Items in that menu are something like details for each institution (contacts, programs, admissions, etc.). Menu looks like this:

      <rich:dropDownMenu event="onclick" hideDelay="50">
       <f:facet name="label">
       <h:graphicImage value="/images/rootgen/menuActivator.png" />
       <rich:menuItem value="Contact" action="#{institutionBean.institutionContact}" actionListener="#{institutionBean.idListener}">
       <f:attribute name="idInstitution" value="#{row.idInstitution}"/>

      Now, if user chooses some item from the menu the right page can be seen (page for the institution user wanted) only the first time. If the back button is clicked and then via menu page for another institution is requested, listener is invoked twice, and the page is shown for the institution from before. If the back button is used again then the listener will be invoked three times, always ending up on a same page - the one that was first to ask for.
      Any suggestions?
      Thanks ahead!