1 Reply Latest reply on May 29, 2008 4:18 AM by blabno

    Ajax richfaces tree problem


      Hello Every body.
      I have a problem in using ajax switchType tree. I am using richfaces-api-3.1.1 version. I wrote the following code in jsp:

      <rich:tree nodeSelectListener="#{marketViewBean.onSelectZone}"
       reRender="zonePanel" ajaxSubmitSelection="true" switchType="ajax"
       value="#{marketViewBean.node}" var="item">

      and I wrote a method with following signeture:

      public void onSelectZone(NodeSelectedEvent event){}

      but when a node is selected in the tree no event happens and the method is not called. When I change 'switchType' attribute to 'client' or 'server' it works currectly.

      Can anybody help me with this issue?
      Ali Reza