9 Replies Latest reply on Aug 28, 2006 11:38 AM by falazar

    plan to convert web console to commands



      how do we go about changing the web console to commands. shall i do a few as an example and then you can take it from there, converting the rest of the web console to commands ?

      also i'll be updating the transaction/context part a bit at that time.

      probably that will be something for monday.

      do you start to make sense of JSF ?

        • 1. Re: plan to convert web console to commands

          That depends I guess. I assume you want the web console to simply invoke the EJB methods, right? That should be easy enough I guess. Basically I just need to familiarize myself with all the commands.

          Do you want the web interface to use the command API exclusively? As in, no using Hibernate directly etc.

          • 2. Re: plan to convert web console to commands

            No, not the ejb methods, just use the command objects. If we start requireing ejb's, it will not run on a default Tomcat.

            Regarding the hibernate issue. I do not think that we should put all things into commands, at least not initially. So using hibernate directly should not pose a problem. When in doubt, we can always refactor things and put them in a command.

            • 3. Re: plan to convert web console to commands

              Tom, I guess you should go ahead and do one so that I can see what it is you're looking for...

              • 4. Re: plan to convert web console to commands

                Just started to monitor this forum .. ... and (if allowed) I will comment that the support of any sort of command-line interface is essential to make jBPM into a big play ... (when web console is certainly a very nice feature to have).

                I am currently looking into jBPM and will be interested in hearing what you guys decide on this. In case I have missed the topic .. please ignore ..

                - Wenbo

                • 5. Re: plan to convert web console to commands

                  coming back from a visit to brussels together with jeff delong, i realized the problem is the different transaction strategies is the problem:

                  * in a ee environment, i want jbpm to be configured for JTA. i don't want the web console to require EJB's. so we need some kind of abstraction between the web console and the ejb's that manage the transactions. that is the command service pattern.

                  * the problem is that in a POJO environment we can easily manage the transactions ourselves: one transaction for the updates, and after that one transaction for preparing all the data for the new view.

                  I don't yet see how we can get a good transaction strategy that works on both platforms... unless we can manage JTA transactions from inside the JSF backed beans. i'll investigate a bit further and report if i find something that could mean a solution. i just wanted to keep you up to date on where i just found that the command service based interface between web console and jbpm has problems.

                  • 6. Re: plan to convert web console to commands


                    This topic is indeed not about a command-line interface, it is about changing some internals of jBPM.

                    A command-line interface is not on the todo list. No one has asked for this and to be honest, I never missed it. If you compare it to mysql, it has a gui and a commandline interface. I always use the former

                    • 7. Re: plan to convert web console to commands


                      Thanks for the reply. And sorry for interrupting the topic ... ;)

                      BTW, commond-line interface is important to support large-scale deployment (for certain industries), as well as upper-layer apps that are used independently to produce "commands" . The actual data could be in XML or script text, either standalone or through hosting script like Jython, Javascript ....


                      • 8. Re: plan to convert web console to commands
                        • 9. Re: plan to convert web console to commands

                          Hey guys,
                          I have been working on the web console a little bit here on our end, getting familiar with it. So far we have mixed things a little bit, sometimes using the commands (assume you just mean the made API calls) and adding a few Hibernate calls directly into the graphsession for stuff that was easier to grab that way.

                          We also have a higher level java RMI set that is almost completed.
