2 Replies Latest reply on Nov 5, 2006 4:59 AM by andyredhead

    enterprise services ready


      finally the enterprise based services are ready in HEAD. The enterprise subproject produces an .ear file with the following configurations:

      * the messaging service is now based on JMS/MDB
      * the scheduler is based on ejb timer service
      * all transactions are based on CMT

      There is also a test setup that makes use of cactus. To run the tests, proceed as follows:

      1) in build, do ant get.dependencies
      2) in jboss/configuration do ant install.jboss.and.configure.jbpm (CHECK YOUR ${jboss.home} AS THIS WILL OVERWRITE (incl remove) YOUR EXISTING JBOSS INSTALLATION)
      3) in enterprise do ant test.and.view

      Note that the enterprise subprojects (cmdlistener, cmdservice and ear) all have merged into the enterprise top level project.

      The ear file should be self contained except for the hibernate libraries. I think i'm going to reference the hibernate libs in the manifest Class-Path entries already so that merely adding those dependent libs to the ear file could make it self contained on any app server.