1 2 Previous Next 17 Replies Latest reply on Jan 30, 2007 9:41 AM by dmlloyd Go to original post
      • 15. Re: web console problem


        "tom.baeyens@jboss.com" wrote:
        then this will probably be something else on my system. i'll try again tomorrow. before the navigation rework, it took approx .5 second for a page to show. now it was approx 7-10 seconds. if you don't have this problem, it will be something local. i'll figure it out first.

        profiling should not be necessary at this point.

        It actually is a symptom of a very serious issue - see my new forum topic for details. Short version is, ajax4jsf did it so I ripped it out. It uncovered a few bugs that were hidden.

        • 16. Re: web console problem


          "david.lloyd@jboss.com" wrote:
          Koen, is it possible to modify the GPD so that if there is only one transition, that the "to" attribute is not emitted?

          As Tom stated, this has nothing to do with the 'to' attribute of the transition which is a mandatory attribute. I will revisit the task form generation shortly. I assume you guys want the following:
          - if there is no name on the transition, do nothing
          - if there is a name, use the name
          - offer the possibility to override in both cases
          Is this correct?


          • 17. Re: web console problem

            Yes, and to be clear, here are the attributes that you can have on a transitionButton:

            * value: This is the caption of the button. If none is given, the transition name is given.
            * transition: This is the transition to take. (Up above I said it was called "to" - my apologies for the confusion).
            * src: The URL of an image file, if you want to override the little icon. Sensible defaults are automatically chosen for task form buttons.
            * All default h:commandButton attributes (except for "action"), which can be found here: http://java.sun.com/javaee/javaserverfaces/1.2/docs/tlddocs/h/commandButton.html

            You may also have these attributes (except for "transition") on the saveButton.

            I think it would be wise for the GPD to not emit cancelButtons, since the cancel button does not serve any purpose that cannot be also done with a plain <h:commandButton>.

            Finally, the GPD should no longer generate a "comments" field by default. This field is already present elsewhere on the task view page.

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