5 Replies Latest reply on May 30, 2008 4:15 AM by daniel.soneira

    submit only some fields

      I am working with richfaces 3.2.0.GA.

      I have one page with one form. The form has several fields to store in my bean when I click the mainButton. But inside the form there are one specificField that I use to build with ajax a dynamicList, so when I click in in a ajaxLink then I put a new item in the dynamicList.

      Here is my code:

      <a4j:form id="myForm">
      .... form fields ....
       <h:inputText id="specificField" value="#{myBean.specificField}" />
       <a4j:commandLink id="ajaxLink"
       <s:conversationId />
       <a4j:outputPanel id="myOutputPanel" ajaxRendered="true" >
       <rich:orderingList id="dynamicList" value="#{myBean.list}" var="r">
       <f:facet name="header">
       <h:outputText value="HEADER"/>
       <h:outputText value="#{r.property}"/>
      .... more form fields ....
      ..................... .....
       <a4j:commandButton id="mainButton"

      The problem is that validation errors of other fields (except specificField ) cause not to rerender the list correctly. If no validation errors the list rerenders fine. So I have two question for you?

      1. Is posible to submit only a few values with a4j:commandLink, or similar component?
      2. If not, is possible to force rerender of dynamicList even if fails validation of other fields?

      Thanks in Advance

        • 1. Re: submit only some fields
          • 2. Re: submit only some fields

            Thanks for your help, Sergey

            I have just read about ajaxSingle=true. I read that using it only current component will be submited. So if I put in commandLink the value of specificField wont be submited, is this true?
            Can I use actionparam to send this value to server in this way?:

            <a4j:commandLink id="ajaxLink"
             <a4j:actionparam name="n" value="#{myBean.specificField}" />
             <s:conversationId />

            I was thinking in use a nested form with only this field inside. Is this possible?

            P.S. Sorry for the cross post. I mixed up putting in this forum, I thought the right one was Richfaces. My apoligies.

            • 3. Re: submit only some fields

              Hmm? Where did you read that?

              ajaxSingle - boolean attribute which provides possibility to limit JSF tree processing(decoding, conversion/validation, value applying) to the component which send the request only.

              1) the whole form is submitted
              2) only component marked with ajaxSingle="true" is processed.

              The result - the validation rules on other components are invoked, because their are not processed, but not because of their are not submitted.

              Sure, you can use a4j:actionParam as well as f:param to pass some data together with commandLink. However, you also can point to some of the form components if you want to add them to the processing.

              Like that:

              <%-- will be excluded --%>
              <h:inputText id="blahblah" required="true" ...... />
              <%-- will be included --%>
              <h:inputText id="foo" ...... />
              <%-- will be included --%>
              <h:inputText id="bar" ...... />
              <a4j:commandLink id="ajaxLink"
               process="foo, bar"

              • 4. Re: submit only some fields

                Thanks Sergey, I confused myself with ajaxSingle=true ;)
                now I understand a bit more of AJAX
                Your solution works perfect for me.
                I am using process to update values that I need.

                Another alternative that worked for me is to nest other a4j:form and surround this last with a4j:region. In this form I put only the fields I need in my ajax request.

                <a4j:form id="mainForm">
                 <%-- will be excluded --%>
                 <h:inputText id="blahblah" required="true" ...... />
                 <4j:region id="myRegion">
                 <4j:form id="ajaxForm">
                 <%-- will be included --%>
                 <h:inputText id="foo" ...... />
                 <%-- will be included --%>
                 <h:inputText id="bar" ...... />
                 <a4j:commandLink id="ajaxLink"
                 process="foo, bar"

                Could be any problem with this?

                • 5. Re: submit only some fields

                  Nesting forms is a BAD idea indeed :) Never do that.

                  You can have multiple forms on one page - but DON'T nest them.