1 Reply Latest reply on Jun 2, 2008 10:50 AM by ilya_shaikovsky

    Calendar and limit range of available days


      I'm trying to limit date range on calendar component, but not success :(

      I have "minRangeDate" and "maxRangeDate" properties at my backing bean, and I want that calendar component show only days between minRangeDate and maxRangeDate (or show all days, but disable all out of range)

      Is this posible?.

      I try setting preloadDateRangeBegin="{backingBean.minRangeDate}" and preloadDateRangeEnd="{backingBean.maxRangeDate}" but nothing change, the componentes show all days and user is available to select all days.

      What about dataModel value?. I try to use it...but I do not understand how works this exactly. :(((((

        • 1. Re: Calendar and limit range of available days

          already answered there. You should use event ondateselect or oncurrentdatechange in order to call your own JS code which will check if the date selectable or if the calendar could be switched back/previous month. And return false if no. Check our demo and docs in order to get JS API functions available.