2 Replies Latest reply on May 5, 2009 5:03 PM by jbarrez

    iCal Task Management Client prototype



      To complement my jBPM iCalendar / CalDav wrapper (taskcal) I've just uploaded an experimental XUL extension for Mozilla Lightning - taskcal-x.


      taskcal-x adds the ability to Mozilla Lightning, to open a task form, set task status, set a task transition (reason) and a comment to task . I've had to use iCalendar 'X-' properties for exchanging the form and transition information.

      The current version of taskcal (0.1) creates a default form using the task variables. These can be viewed and updated in taskcal-x. A future version of taskcal will allow the developer to design the form and experiment with different task rendering options (e.g. HTML, XUL and XForms), probably using velocity.

      Therefore its currently best tested with simple approval type tasks.

      I'd really like some feedback on this, especially in refining the mappings and use of the 'X-' properties.

      P.S. The extensions can be enabled in taskcal by setting the experimental attribute to true in jbpm.cfg.xml. e.g.

        • 1. Re: iCal Task Management Client prototype

          Is there any interest / value in making jBPM tasks or process definitions visible / accessible via WebDav? With a simple change I found that I can list tasks (as .ics) in Windows XP Web Folders.

          • 2. Re: iCal Task Management Client prototype

            Testing your taskcal component is something thats high on my to-do list. After the community day, I'm going to give it a spin and give you some feedback.

            I think that having the tasks in a folder can be a nice feature (altough I don't know about the 'real' use case). Ofc, if it's easily done, why not ;-)