6 Replies Latest reply on Jul 31, 2009 7:15 AM by kukeltje

    .classpath and .project to .svnignore


      Does someone know how to do that from eclipse? In my workspace the menu item is disabled or if some could do it and check it in...

        • 1. Re: .classpath and .project to .svnignore

          Seems like all of them are checked in. Not sure if that is an accident or desired?

          I could delete them via TortoiseSVN directly... Eclipse is a pain in this area ;-)

          • 2. Re: .classpath and .project to .svnignore

            Deleting them is one. But in addition to that, adding them to cvs ignore (assuming you all work with M2? /mvn eclipse:eclipse to regenerate .project and .classpath files If you can do that also, recursively... be my guest.

            • 3. Re: .classpath and .project to .svnignore

              Tortoise can set them to ignore easily. But do we ant to delete them? The other modules have them checked in as well...

              • 4. Re: .classpath and .project to .svnignore

                - They are eclipse specific
                - If something changes in the pom.xml you have to regenerate them anyhow
                - They can contain absolute paths (OS specific things)
                - My sync with repository always shows them. *outgoing*

                Personally, I do not need them from svn. I'll regenerate with M2/mvn if needed. The pom is leading anyway.

                But if others think they are handy, I'll live with them

                • 5. Re: .classpath and .project to .svnignore

                  the idea is that the .classpath and .project should be the same for everyone. that is why they are checked in.

                  instructions of how to set up eclipse with the maven plugin so that the classpaths are set up properly are explained in the wiki


                  let us know if any of these assumptions is not correct or doesn't work for you.

                  • 6. Re: .classpath and .project to .svnignore

                    I know how the setup is and It's not that it does not work, it's that because of using the maven plugin for eclipse (which works great), on importing the projects, the classpath and project file sometimes need regenerating. This results them being different than the ones checked in. So when syncing, I need to exclude them. Not a big deal, but I thought since using maven they are not needed since they can be easily generated.

                    If others do need them, please leave it as it is, I'll work around it.