1 Reply Latest reply on Feb 14, 2005 10:00 AM by aloubyansky

    Getting JBossXB support into the 4.0.x service deployment la


      I created the following jira issue that I want to discuss how to best achieve here

      The problem is that services are still embedding xml parsing of attribute configuration document fragments in the service code itself. The example jboss-service.xml doc in the JBAS-1461 is one step, but its still not ideal since its essentially just moving the xml parsing to the custom org.jboss.test.jmx.complexattrs.JavaBeanObjectModelFactory. That is better than embedding this in the service itself, but I'm sure we have better solutions.

      In that regard, what is our state of support for:
      - Parsing a JavaBean with no schema/dtd and property editors for the non-String types
      - Parsing a JavaBean with a dtd for the attribute document fragment
      - Parsing a JavaBean with a schema for the attribute document fragment

        • 1. Re: Getting JBossXB support into the 4.0.x service deploymen


          "scott.stark@jboss.org" wrote:

          In that regard, what is our state of support for:
          - Parsing a JavaBean with no schema/dtd and property editors for the non-String types

          W/o any source of binding customizations there is no choice but use the default binding rules that rely on XML name to Java identifier mapping algorythms and introspection. This is supported. There are tests in the testsuite for this.
          You could also optionally override default bindings using binding API but there are limitations (see Adrian's thread) and the API is still in development and will be refactored to meet Adrian's needs.

          "scott.stark@jboss.org" wrote:

          - Parsing a JavaBean with a dtd for the attribute document fragment
          - Parsing a JavaBean with a schema for the attribute document fragment

          Fragments are not supported yet.

          Also, JBossXB in 4.0 has not been updated for months now. There were and will be a lot of changes in HEAD.

          I think, it would be better to fix the issues Adrian raised first. And then backport and use it in 4.0.x.