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1. Re: XercesXsMarshaller.isArrayWrapper
adrian.brock Jun 26, 2005 3:41 PM (in response to adrian.brock)Similarly:
XniJBossXBParser.toSaxAttributes() is never used
XsdBinder$SharedElements.anyType is set but never used -
2. Re: XercesXsMarshaller.isArrayWrapper
aloubyansky Jul 3, 2005 10:12 AM (in response to adrian.brock)The method is fixed now.
There is commented code that uses SharedElements.anyType. I will review it later.
The same for XNI parser. I think we can switch to SAX parser now and remove the JBossXBSchemaValidator. -
3. Re: XercesXsMarshaller.isArrayWrapper
aloubyansky Jul 3, 2005 10:12 AM (in response to adrian.brock)Thank you!