2 Replies Latest reply on Oct 25, 2005 5:16 PM by aloubyansky

    Consistency of jbxb and jaxb annotations


      I have created an initial jbxb_1_0.xsd schema under as server/src/resources/schema/jbxb_1_0.xsd and I see that we are out of synch with respect to jaxb. The top level jbxb:schema element mirrors the jaxb:schemaBindings element, and the only schema level binding is the jbxb:package which has the same behavior as the jaxb:package as far as I can see.

      If we have jaxb analogs, let's use the same names. I am going to change the current jbxb:schema to jbxb:schemaBindings to start with. In the future let's mirror the jaxb names and behavior where possible. Even if we end up extending a jaxb behavior, we should still use the jaxb element and attribute names where possible so that its easy to understand. I don't really want to actually import and extend the jaxb schema into the jbxb schema as I just find the resulting schema harder to read/understand given that I don't read/write schemas on a regular basis.