1 2 Previous Next 15 Replies Latest reply on Oct 31, 2005 11:25 AM by aloubyansky Go to original post
      • 15. Re: setNotValue


        "jaxb2.0" wrote: ComplexType
        A <property> customization is allowed on the annotation element of a
        complex type. The customization values must be defined as specified in
        Section 7.8.1, ?Usage? and have component scope. The result of this
        customization depends upon the content type of the complex type.

        If the content type of the content model is simple content, then the
        content model must be bound to a property as specified in
        Section, ?Simple Content Binding.? applying the customization
        overrides as specified in Section 7.8.3, ?Customization Overrides.? If
        javaType is defined, then the propertyBaseType is defined to be
        Java datatype specified in the "name" attribute of the javaType.

        "adrian" wrote:
        There is also an XMLJavaTypeAdapter?

        Yes. It seems like it delegates to the specified javaType.

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