1. Re: Dependency on Xerces
manik Nov 8, 2005 12:00 PM (in response to aloubyansky)Alexey,
While the fix may work well in HEAD, it doesn't help me very much since I would need to consider cases where people using older versions of JBossAS (e.g., 3.2.x) may want to upgrade to the latest JBossCache/JGroups. While JBossCache can package a new jboss-common.jar built from HEAD, people who just want to drop in the new jboss-cache.jar and jgroups.jar would have problems.
For the time being, I've resorted to not using the ObjectModelFactory approach and parsing the XML snippet by hand, manipulating ugly Node and Element classes.
So I expect this dependency on Xerces not to be there in the next release of JBossAS?
Manik -
2. Re: Dependency on Xerces
adrian.brock Nov 8, 2005 12:30 PM (in response to aloubyansky)And this is the very integration problem I have been complaining about.
Manik's solution just makes it worse.
If JBossCache wants to play with JEMS it needs to let JEMS control the integration.
The backward compatibility is an edge case that just shows your abstraction is wrong.
i.e. How can a user plugin their own JBossCache config
e.g. write their own parser if they don't want to use JBossXB to do the xml->config mapping. -
3. Re: Dependency on Xerces
starksm64 Nov 10, 2005 3:20 PM (in response to aloubyansky)We need to have an R&D call on how to do integration across jems.
4. Re: Dependency on Xerces
adrian.brock Nov 28, 2005 9:31 PM (in response to aloubyansky)There is still a Dependency on Xerces for JDK1.4
that is coming through the DOM3 classes.
only exist in the xerces jars unless you use java5