1. Re: 1.0 final release tasks
aloubyansky Jan 25, 2006 10:55 AM (in response to aloubyansky)This is my list:
remove not used prototypes
precompilation of SchemaBinding
Resolve issues targeted for JBossWS-1.0
which currently includes
- CTS: SOAP encoded arrays as bean properties
- switch to SchemaBinding-based marshaller
Consistency of jbxb and jaxb annotations
need to use privileged actions
Need non-default ctor binding
XSD for http://www.jboss.org/xml/ns/jbxb
Exception hierarchy
Additionally, review of public API and moving to a package name everyone is ok with.
If there is something you would like to add, please, do it by Friday, Jan 27. If you can't do it until Friday then post here that more time is needed.
Merci. -
2. Re: 1.0 final release tasks
adrian.brock Jan 25, 2006 11:29 AM (in response to aloubyansky)I'd like to add:
* Complete testing of SchemaBindingInitializer
* Wildcard bindings that aren't plain property setters.
When do you plan to resolve the problems with the Xerces dependency and
DOM level 3? -
3. Re: 1.0 final release tasks
aloubyansky Jan 26, 2006 6:46 AM (in response to aloubyansky)"adrian" wrote:
* Wildcard bindings that aren't plain property setters.
Could you elaborate on this?"adrian" wrote:
When do you plan to resolve the problems with the Xerces dependency and DOM level 3?
I thought, the first step would be 'SchemaBinding precompilation'. This removes dependency on Xerces at runtime. Assuming you precompiled the schema[s] you need at runtime. Does this look reasonable to you?
Thanks. -
4. Re: 1.0 final release tasks
adrian.brock Jan 26, 2006 6:48 AM (in response to aloubyansky)"alex.loubyansky@jboss.com" wrote:
"adrian" wrote:
* Wildcard bindings that aren't plain property setters.
Could you elaborate on this?
http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&t=76020 -
5. Re: 1.0 final release tasks
reverbel Jan 27, 2006 1:31 PM (in response to aloubyansky)How about
Support for plugable serializer/deserializer
http://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBXB-40 ?
JBWS-434 (and JBXB-43) depends on it.
Francisco -
6. Re: 1.0 final release tasks
aloubyansky Jan 28, 2006 2:08 PM (in response to aloubyansky)jbxb-40 is broken down to jbxb-50 and jbxb-51 that are scheduled for rc2.