1 Reply Latest reply on Oct 5, 2006 7:35 AM by adrian.brock

    DefaultSchemaResolver logic is wrong

      As per the previous thread earlier this year, it is not possible
      to compose schemas using imports with JBossXB.

      I've fixed this, with the new implemetation, I can now get an
      XSModel for the JavaEE schemas (which previously failed due
      to confusion of imports).

      The new implementation looks like this:

       private InputSource getInputSource(String nsURI, String baseURI, String schemaLocation)
       boolean trace = log.isTraceEnabled();
       InputSource is = null;
       if( trace )
       log.trace("getInputSource, nsURI="+nsURI+", baseURI="+baseURI+", schemaLocation="+schemaLocation);
       // First try what is requested
       is = resolver.resolveEntity(nsURI, schemaLocation);
       if (trace)
       log.trace("Resolved schema using namespace as publicId and schemaLocation as systemId");
       catch (Exception e)
       if (trace)
       log.trace("Failed to use nsUri/schemaLocation", e);
       // Next, try to use the baseURI to resolve the schema location
       if (is == null && baseURI != null && schemaLocation != null)
       URL url = new URL(baseURI);
       url = new URL(url, schemaLocation);
       String resolvedSchemaLocation = url.toString();
       // No point if the schema location was already absolute
       if (schemaLocation.equals(resolvedSchemaLocation) == false)
       is = resolver.resolveEntity(null, url.toString());
       if( trace && is != null )
       log.trace("Resolved schema location using baseURI");
       catch (Exception e)
       if (trace)
       log.trace("Failed to use schema location with baseURI", e);
       // Finally, just try the namespace as the system id
       if (is == null && nsURI != null)
       is = resolver.resolveEntity(null, nsURI);
       if( trace && is != null )
       log.trace("Resolved namespace as system id");
       catch (Exception e)
       if (trace)
       log.trace("Failed to use namespace as system id", e);
       if( trace )
       log.trace("getInputSource, nsURI="+nsURI+", baseURI="
       +baseURI+", schemaLocation="+schemaLocation+", is="+is);
       return is;

      Previously, the last step was first, making it impossible
      to compose a namespaces from different schema files.

      Also, it didn't use the schemaLocation properly so it always
      failed for simple imports like:
       <xsd:include schemaLocation="javaee_web_services_client_1_2.xsd"/>