4 Replies Latest reply on Oct 9, 2006 6:21 PM by aloubyansky

    Sundry JBossXB changes

      I've made a couple of fixes/changes to JBossXB.

      1) The SchemaBinding now exposes the namespaces in the document
      2) I've improved some error messages. This needs a review.
      JBossXB is eating lots errors making the real meaning of the
      problem unknown. e.g.

       return getter.get(owner);
       catch(Exception e)
       throw new JBossXBRuntimeException(
       "Failed to get value of the property '" + name + "' defined in " + owner + " from instance " + owner

      That's not very interesting, I want to know why it failed.
       throw new JBossXBRuntimeException(
       "Failed to get value of the property '" + name + "' defined in " + owner + " from instance " + owner, e)

      3) I made the content handler throw an Exception if it can't find
      the schema binding. Previously it pushing null onto stack
      which caused an NPE during endElement.
      I also added checks to the Stack to trap early when null is pushed
      onto the stack.