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1. Re: JBXB-114, model group issues
aloubyansky Oct 27, 2007 3:10 AM (in response to starksm64)The jboss:jndiEnvironmentRefsGroup may appear only once, right? Continuing the group after security-identity would actually violate the schema?
Maybe we could have some kind of smart error handler to workaround this issue. But that would look more like a hack. -
2. Re: JBXB-114, model group issues
aloubyansky Oct 27, 2007 3:28 AM (in response to starksm64)It has to be like model group all but should allow model groups intermixed with elements.
3. Re: JBXB-114, model group issues
starksm64 Oct 27, 2007 3:51 AM (in response to starksm64)"" wrote:
The jboss:jndiEnvironmentRefsGroup may appear only once, right? Continuing the group after security-identity would actually violate the schema?
Yes, and yes. I just don't know if this is worth trying to hack at the xb layer. It can be handled by the setter.