2 Replies Latest reply on Aug 19, 2008 4:44 PM by openbar247

    rich:comboBox issues



      two things that bother me about rich:comboBox (i'm using 3.2.1.GA)

      1) it might be a seam issue, but it doesn't work with s:selectItems. the reason i'm posting it still is that behaviour has changed comparing to 3.2.0. When i define var="result" and label="#{result.name}" (actually when i reuse the code that is working with h:selectOneMenu) it shows id's of entities, where it used to show addresses of objects together with namespaces with 3.2.0.

      2) valueChangeListener doesn't work at all, with statically or dynamically created comboBox.
      <rich:comboBox valueChangeListener="{bean.method}" onchange="submit()">
      <f:selectItems itemValue="A"/>
      <f:selectItems itemValue="B"/>


      HtmlComboBox comboBox= (HtmlComboBox) FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getApplication() .createComponent(HtmlComboBox.COMPONENT_TYPE);
      comboBox.addValueChangeListener(new MyValueChangeListener());
      // which does anything, for e.g. prints to console

      again if i only change rich:comboBox to h:selectOneMenu everything works.
