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1. Re: JBXB-206: Performance work
aloubyansky Jul 6, 2009 5:07 PM (in response to jesper.pedersen)I can't tell you what's missing here from that. Enable trace for org.jboss.xb.binding.sunday.unmarshalling.XsdBinder and see what's being bound based on XSD.
2. Re: JBXB-206: Performance work
jesper.pedersen Jul 7, 2009 9:45 AM (in response to jesper.pedersen)I have updated the TRACE log file (org.jboss.xb) on the JIRA.
Let me know if there is anything else I can supply. -
3. Re: JBXB-206: Performance work
aloubyansky Jul 7, 2009 6:06 PM (in response to jesper.pedersen)Passing connector_1_5.xsd to mapLocationToClass instead of the full URL should solve the issue.
4. Re: JBXB-206: Performance work
jesper.pedersen Jul 8, 2009 8:33 AM (in response to jesper.pedersen)That helped a lot, thanks :)
I have attached a new profile of the startup to the issue if you think there is anything else to be gained. But most of the time is now spend in org.jboss.reflect.
If the call stack is ok I think you can resolve the issue, but some additional documentation about this would be nice.