1 2 Previous Next 26 Replies Latest reply on Jun 11, 2008 4:51 PM by sergeysmirnov

    Menu issue with IE not in FireFox

      Menu issue with IE not in FireFox.

      I am using the following:

      RichFaceApi_3_2.jar = ${maven.repo}/richFacesAjax/jars/snapshot/richfaces-api-3.2.1-snap.jar
      RichFaceImpl_3_2.jar = ${maven.repo}/richFacesAjax/jars/snapshot/richfaces-impl-3.2.1-snap.jar
      RichFaceUi_3_2.jar = ${maven.repo}/richFacesAjax/jars/snapshot/richfaces-ui-3.2.1.snap.jar

      This is a clip of the menu.fragement..

      This menu works fine in FireFox but in IE I get several errors.

      I these errors in IE ver 7.0 as follows:

      Unterminated string constant
      Expected ')'

      After this my page loads but most of the objects don't work.

      This works fine in FireFox...without any errors in the Tools/Error Console of FF.



      <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsf/html" prefix="h" %>
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      <%@ page import="javax.faces.component.UIComponent" %>

      <%@ page import="java.text.SimpleDateFormat" %>
      <%@ page import="java.text.DateFormat" %>
      <%@ page import="java.util.Date" %>

      <%@ page import="java.util.ResourceBundle" %>
      <%@ page import="org.apache.log4j.Logger" %>
      <%@ page import="java.io.*" %>
      <%@ page import="javax.faces.context.FacesContext" %>


      ... removed for display...


      color: black;

      .bold2 {
      font-weight: bold;

      <rich:toolBar >

      <rich:dropDownMenu value="Home">
      <rich:menuItem submitMode="none" value="Welcome"
      onclick="document.location.href='welcome.jsf'"> </rich:menuItem>

      <rich:dropDownMenu value="Email">
      <rich:menuItem submitMode="none" value="Received"
      onclick="document.location.href='emailReceived.jsf'"> </rich:menuItem>
      <rich:menuItem submitMode="none" value="Sent"
      onclick="document.location.href='emailSent.jsf'"> </rich:menuItem>

      <rich:dropDownMenu value="Search">
      <rich:menuItem submitMode="none" value="Advanced"
      onclick="document.location.href='searchTest.jsf'"> </rich:menuItem>

      <rich:dropDownMenu value="Orders">
      <rich:menuItem submitMode="none" value="Received"
      onclick="document.location.href='orderTests.jsf'"> </rich:menuItem>

      <rich:dropDownMenu value="Profile">
      <rich:menuItem submitMode="none" value="View"
      onclick="document.location.href='profileView.jsf'"> </rich:menuItem>
      <rich:menuItem submitMode="none" value="Update"
      onclick="document.location.href='profileTest.jsf'"> </rich:menuItem>
      <rich:menuItem submitMode="none" value="Manage"
      onclick="document.location.href='memberUploads.jsf'"> </rich:menuItem>

      <rich:dropDownMenu value="Logout">
      <rich:menuItem submitMode="none" value="Logout"
      onclick="document.location.href='logoutResults.jsf'"> </rich:menuItem>


        • 1. Re: Menu issue with IE not in FireFox

          What exact version of JSF implementation you use?

          • 2. Re: Menu issue with IE not in FireFox

            Thanks for your response

            I am using..

            jsf-api_1_2.jar = ${maven.repo}/jsf/mojarra-1.2_08-b06-FCS/lib/jsf-api.jar
            jsf-impl_1_2.jar = ${maven.repo}/jsf/mojarra-1.2_08-b06-FCS/lib/jsf-impl.jar

            • 3. Re: Menu issue with IE not in FireFox

              mojarra-1.2_08 has a terrible bug with calculating the length of the output buffer, so one char is always replace with the garbage symbol.

              Check out how it is related to your case. Replace 1.2_08 with 1.2._07 or 1.2._09beta1

              • 4. Re: Menu issue with IE not in FireFox

                Ok..I will download that and test with


                Do you think that is the issue I am having with the IE menu bug???

                I will let you know what happens.


                • 5. Re: Menu issue with IE not in FireFox

                  I do not think the menu has a "Unterminated string constant". Six weeks of QA is more than enough to figure out such primitive problem. The problem is around.

                  • 6. Re: Menu issue with IE not in FireFox

                    Hey Great,

                    You are correct. That works with the new beta 1.2.09.

                    I still have an issue of the command buttons not working on IE and working on FireFox.

                    I will work on that now...but the errors are gone with IE.


                    • 7. Re: Menu issue with IE not in FireFox


                      I have a problem now...I am not getting any errors in the logs files or IE browser.

                      My application works fine with FireFox.

                      It does not seem to be working correct in IE ver7.

                      I upgraded to JSF beta 1.2.09 and using

                      RichFaceApi_3_2.jar = ${maven.repo}/richFacesAjax/jars/snapshot/richfaces-api-3.2.1-snap.jar
                      RichFaceImpl_3_2.jar = ${maven.repo}/richFacesAjax/jars/snapshot/richfaces-impl-3.2.1-snap.jar
                      RichFaceUi_3_2.jar = ${maven.repo}/richFacesAjax/jars/snapshot/richfaces-ui-3.2.1.snap.jar

                      is there a new release I can upgrade in RichFaces???

                      If so where can I find it.



                      • 8. Re: Menu issue with IE not in FireFox

                        3.2.1.GA was released a week ago. So, no reason to point to the snap in your pom.

                        • 9. Re: Menu issue with IE not in FireFox

                          I have narrowed it down to this code...

                          It works fine in Firefox but not in IE ver.7


                          <rich:dataGrid id="membersZip" value="#{membersInZipcode.arrayListOfSearch4Member}"
                          var="membersZip" columns="5" elements="10" >

                          <rich:panel styleClass="phil" id="memberGridWelcome" style="padding: 1px 3px 2px 3px; " >
                          <rich:effect event="onclick" type="Highlight" params="duration:1.0" />
                          <rich:effect event="onclick" for="memberGridWelcome" type="Appear" params="delay:0.1,duration:0.9" />

                          <f:facet name="header" >
                          <h:outputText value="#{welcomeMembersZip.userName}" ></h:outputText>
                          <h:panelGrid columns="1">

                          <a4j:commandLink styleClass="phil" action="go_memberViewed" actionListener="#{memberViewForm.getMemberInfoAttrib}" immediate="true">
                          <a4j:actionparam id="memberId_str" name="memberId_str" value="#{membersZip.memberId_str}"





                          Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong ???


                          • 10. Re: Menu issue with IE not in FireFox




                            I put a in the case and it worked but then does not fill the bean with current member data.

                            This does work fine in FireFox IE is the problem...any ideals??

                            • 11. Re: Menu issue with IE not in FireFox

                              I put a < redirect / > in the case and it worked but then does not fill the bean with current member data.

                              That was from the last comment...it was left out

                              • 12. Re: Menu issue with IE not in FireFox

                                I just updated to new RF

                                RichFaceApi_3_2.jar = ${maven.repo}/richFacesAjax/jars/richfaces_3_2_1_GA/richfaces-ui-3.2.1.GA/lib/richfaces-api-3.2.1.GA.jar
                                RichFaceImpl_3_2.jar = ${maven.repo}/richFacesAjax/jars/richfaces_3_2_1_GA/richfaces-ui-3.2.1.GA/lib/richfaces-impl-3.2.1.GA.jar
                                RichFaceUi_3_2.jar = ${maven.repo}/richFacesAjax/jars/richfaces_3_2_1_GA/richfaces-ui-3.2.1.GA/lib/richfaces-ui-3.2.1.GA.jar

                                Still does not work with IE...works with FF...

                                Any Help?


                                • 13. Re: Menu issue with IE not in FireFox

                                  Why do you use a4j:commandLink, but not the regular h:commandLink ?

                                  • 14. Re: Menu issue with IE not in FireFox

                                    I wanted to try a4j:commandLink out....

                                    It does not work with h:commandLink or a4j:commandLink in IE...

                                    I use system.out.println of the data that is found from oracle select on member.

                                    Just does not redirect in IE...works ok in FireFox.

                                    No errors in logs or exceptions...This seems like some other type of error.

                                    very strange.


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