1 Reply Latest reply on Sep 11, 2008 5:58 PM by avogt_sundn

    JNDI remote lookup of classes in isolated EAR


      I have the following issue:

      I have an EJB3 session bean (SB1) with a remote interface (I2) which is in an isolated ear EAR1. I2 extends I1 which is in a POJO jar in EAR1.

      In a second ear - EAR2, I have the same POJO jar defining I1.

      From EAR2 I wish to locate SB1 (via JNDI) without including the session bean's EJB jar within the package.
      (this is then cast to I1, which should allow the EAR to access the exposed methods on I1)

      The lookup of the JNDI name works fine and the bean can be located, despite the isolation of the EARs,
      but it throws a ClassNotFoundException for I2.

      If I remove the isolation tags from the jboss-app.xml, then everything works fine.

      I expected the JNDI lookup to find I2 via JNDI/RMI - hence loading I2 from EAR1.
      Is there a way of getting this behaviour?

      Thanks - I have searched the forums/wiki for an answer to this problem, so please accept my apologies if this has already been answered