0 Replies Latest reply on Jan 20, 2006 3:58 PM by noicangi

    configuring file REPOSITORY portal2.2.1rc1


      i'am trying to configure file system storage in portal 2.2.1rc1, i edit the repository.xml but i don't know if it's well done please check out and correct me if i'm wrong.

      virtual file system where the repository stores global state (e.g. registered namespaces, custom node types, etc.)
      Configure to use FS or RDBMS.


      <!-- anonymous user name ('anonymous' is the default value) -->

      virtual file system of the workspace: Configure to use FS or RDBMS.


      persistence manager of the workspace.
      Use XMLPersistenceManager for LocalFileSystem Store and HibernatePersistentManager for HibernateStore.




      Configures the filesystem to use for versioning for the respective persistence manager
      Configure to use FS or RDBMS.


      Configures the persistence manager to be used for persisting version state.
      Use XMLPersistenceManager for LocalFileSystem Store and HibernatePersistentManager for HibernateStore.
