0 Replies Latest reply on Feb 1, 2006 6:06 AM by arnauddeslandes

    [Portal 2.2] Problem installing on a DB2 v7


      Hello all,

      I encountered a problem at the creation of the DB2 schema used by portal.
      Trying to create the JBP_OBJECT_NODE failed, due to a restiction in DB2 that prevents creating a unique key on a nullable column (NAME here).
      I used a workaround by creating manually the table without unique (NAME, PARENT_KEY), but is there a smarter way for getting it up and running ?


      Trace :
      14:40:52,110 ERROR [SchemaExport] Unsuccessful: create table JBP_OBJECT_NODE (PK
      bigint generated by default as identity, PATH varchar(255), NAME varchar(255),
      PARENT_KEY bigint, primary key (PK), unique (NAME, PARENT_KEY))
      14:40:52,110 ERROR [SchemaExport] [IBM][CLI Driver][DB2/NT] SQL0542N "NAME" ne p
      eut pas Ûtre une colonne de clÚ primaire ou unique car elle peut contenir des va
      leurs NULL. SQLSTATE=42831

      Workaround :
      create table JBP_OBJECT_NODE (PK bigint generated by default as identity, PATH varchar(255), NAME varchar(255),PARENT_KEY bigint, primary key (PK))