3 Replies Latest reply on Feb 14, 2006 8:48 AM by noicangi

    Show multiple region(left,center,right)


      First, i'm sorry but i don't speak very well english.

      How i show in the portal multiple region (left,center,right)

        • 1. Re: Show multiple region(left,center,right)

          Hi ,

          The key to different regions is in the layout
          For eg : in the helloworld portal look at these lines


          Thus the theme is Nphalanx
          Now look of the location of Nphalanx theme in portal-layout.xml

           <uri state="maximized">/layouts/generic/maximized.jsp</uri>
           <region name="left"/>
           <region name="center"/>
           <region name="navigation"/>

          Look for the file index.jsp
          here you will find the regio definitions

          <div id="content-container">
           <!-- insert the content of the 'left' region of the page, and assign the css selector id 'regionA' -->
           <p:region regionName='left' regionID='regionA'/>
           <!-- insert the content of the 'center' region of the page, and assign the css selector id 'regionB' -->
           <p:region regionName='center' regionID='regionB'/>
           <hr class="cleaner"/>


          • 2. Re: Show multiple region(left,center,right)

            almost right ;)

            Please don't confuse the Layout with the Theme. They are two very different things.
            The Layout is the one that lays out the general page and determines the portlets, and the regions they are in.

            The theme styles the rendered content using css.

            Layouts are described in portal-layouts.xml , and point to JSPs or Servlets

            Themes are descibed in portal-themes.xml and point to css and js filles

            • 3. Re: Show multiple region(left,center,right)

              thanks martin for clearing things