6 Replies Latest reply on Apr 19, 2006 11:16 AM by patrickdalla

    Dynamic Role for portlets


      It is only possible to verify that a user is in a Role (portletRequest.isUserInRole(String)) if that role was defined in portlet.xml.

      But on of my portlets implementation is used many times in my portal, each with a diferent portlet instance in diferent pages.

      For each of this page, a diferent role is responsible for administration.

      How can I define this?

      And if I want to specify roles at run time?

        • 1. Re: Dynamic Role for portlets

          This was a problem in JBoss Portal 2.0 and persists in JBoss Portal 2.2.

          More specifically in the class PortletRequestImpl

          public boolean isUserInRole(String roleName)
           // Get the map role name to role link
           Map securityRoleRefsMap = ((PortletContainer)creq.getComponent()).getSecurityRoleRefsMap();
           // Process the role link
           String roleLink = (String)securityRoleRefsMap.get(roleName);
           if (roleLink == null)
           if (securityRoleRefsMap.containsKey(roleName))
           // The role name exist without a role link value
           return securityContext.isUserInRole(roleName);
           // No role name is defined
           return false;
           // We have the role link value
           return securityContext.isUserInRole(roleLink);

          note that if the role is not in "securityRoleRefsMap" the method return false.

          • 2. Re: Dynamic Role for portlets

            No response? No way?

            • 3. Re: Dynamic Role for portlets

              you can add security constraints to the windows (which are link with an instance of a portlet)

              then, use a roleModule to check if the user has this role.

              • 4. Re: Dynamic Role for portlets

                Didin't linked this implementation.

                I think my portlet should be decoupled of RoleModule implementation.

                I need a way that the method isUserInRole of PortletRequest works.

                • 5. Re: Dynamic Role for portlets

                  Didn't liked this implementation.

                  I think my portlet should be decoupled of RoleModule interface.

                  I need a way that the method isUserInRole of PortletRequest works.

                  • 6. Re: Dynamic Role for portlets

                    I've utilized JaasSecurityManager for Role membership verification.

                     InitialContext ic = new InitialContext();
                     jsm = (JaasSecurityManager) ic.lookup("java:jaas/portal");
                    }catch(Exception e){

                    But these way, my portlet will need to know the name of the JaasSecurityManager bindend for Jboss Portal.

                    I would like a transparent way.